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Time Agentic RAG

Time Agentic RAG

MinWoo(Daniel) Park | Tech Blog

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Time Agentic RAG

  • Related Project: Private
  • Category: Paper Review
  • Date: 2024-09-03

Agentic Retrieval-Augmented Generation for Time Series Analysis

  • url: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.14484
  • pdf: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2408.14484
  • html: https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14717v1
  • abstract: Time series modeling is crucial for many applications, however, it faces challenges such as complex spatio-temporal dependencies and distribution shifts in learning from historical context to predict task-specific outcomes. To address these challenges, we propose a novel approach using an agentic Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) framework for time series analysis. The framework leverages a hierarchical, multi-agent architecture where the master agent orchestrates specialized sub-agents and delegates the end-user request to the relevant sub-agent. The sub-agents utilize smaller, pre-trained language models (SLMs) customized for specific time series tasks through fine-tuning using instruction tuning and direct preference optimization, and retrieve relevant prompts from a shared repository of prompt pools containing distilled knowledge about historical patterns and trends to improve predictions on new data. Our proposed modular, multi-agent RAG approach offers flexibility and achieves state-of-the-art performance across major time series tasks by tackling complex challenges more effectively than task-specific customized methods across benchmark datasets.

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