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모형 압축 및 실행에 관한 연구: QMoE 프레임워크를 통한 트릴리온-파라미터 모형의 실용적인 서브-1비트 압축
자연스러운 희소성 활용과 고속 GPU 병렬 처리를 위한 디코딩 체계
데이터 의존적 양자화 방법과 최적화된 시스템 설계를 통한 MoE 아키텍처의 효율성 개선
1. 서론
최근 대규모 언어모델(Large Language Models, LLMs)은 다양한 언어 및 인퍼런스 작업에서 놀라운 성능을 보여 주고 있습니다. 이런 모형들 중 하나인 Mixture-of-Experts(MoE)는 모델의 일부를 여러 번 복제하고 각 입력을 소수의 복제본에만 라우팅하여 인퍼런스 비용을 절감하는 방식입니다. 특히, SwitchTransformer는 128에서 2048개의 전문가를 사용하여 기존의 T5 모델들을 인퍼런스 및 훈련 비용 면에서 크게 앞서나가고 있습니다. 그러나 이런 모형들은 엄청난 메모리 비용을 요구하며, 이는 실용적인 배치를 제한하는 주된 요인 중 하나입니다.
MoE의 대규모 메모리 비용을 양자화나 희소성을 통해 줄이려는 시도는 실제로 구현하기까지 많은 개념적 및 기술적 장벽이 존재합니다. 예를 들어, 트릴리온-파라미터 MoE를 실용적으로 만들기 위해서는 기존 16비트 Precision 대비 10배에서 20배의 압축률이 필요합니다.
본 논문에서는 QMoE, 즉 데이터 의존적 양자화 방법을 적용하여 MoE 아키텍처의 파라미터를 효율적으로 압축하는 새로운 프레임워크를 제안합니다. 1.6 트릴리온 파라미터를 가진 가장 큰 모델의 크기를 기존 3.2TB에서 160GB로 줄이는 것에 성공했습니다. 이는 파라미터 당 약 0.8 비트에 불과하며, 이를 통해 상업용 하드웨어에서도 모델을 효과적으로 실행할 수 있습니다.
2. 배경
2.1. 전문가의 혼합 모델(MoEs)
MoEs는 계산 비용을 거의 변화시키지 않으면서 네트워크의 모델링 파워를 증가시키는 방법으로, 특정 모델 구성 요소를 여러 번 복제하고 각 입력을 소수의 구성 요소에만 할당하는 방식으로 구현됩니다. 이런 설계는 큰 모델의 효율적인 훈련과 인퍼런스를 가능하게 합니다.
2.2. 데이터 의존적 양자화
현재 가장 효과적인 모델 크기 및 메모리 비용 감소 전략은 양자화입니다. 큰 모델에서 단순 반올림을 통해 8비트나 4비트의 Precision로 Precision를 낮추는 것은 상대적으로 정확도 손실을 최소화할 수 있습니다. 그러나 MoE처럼 크기가 더 큰 모델은 더 높은 압축률이 필요합니다.
양자화 방정식:
\[\arg\min_{Q_\ell} \|Q_\ell X_\ell - W_\ell X_\ell\| \quad \text{... (1)}\]이 방정식을 통해 각 레이어에서 최적의 양자화된 가중치 \(Q_\ell\)을 결정합니다. 이는 레이어마다 직렬로 수행될 수 있으며, 이미 부분적으로 양자화된 모델의 입력을 사용하여 다음 레이어의 양자화를 수행합니다.
3. 데이터 의존적 양자화의 확장
3.1. 챌린지
트릴리온 파라미터 MoE 모델에 데이터 의존적 양자화 기술을 적용할 때 여러 새로운 챌린지가 등장합니다. 이런 모델은 원래의 모델 가중치가 거의 10배 더 크고, 양자화 과정 자체도 100배 이상의 데이터를 필요로 합니다. 이는 각 레이어가 압축되기 위해 충분한 수의 입력 샘플을 요구하기 때문입니다.
3.2. 시스템 설계 및 최적화
3.2.1. 최적화된 활성화 오프로딩
계산을 수행할 때 필요한 중간 데이터의 소수만을 GPU에서 처리하고 나머지는 더 저렴하고 풍부한 CPU 메모리로 오프로딩하여 메모리 요구 사항을 관리합니다.
3.2.4. 전문가 그룹화
GPU의 활용을 극대화하기 위해 여러 전문가를 그룹화하고 이들에 대해 일괄 처리된 양자화 알고리즘을 적용합니다. 이는 GPU 메모리 소비를 최소화하면서도 좋은 활용을 가능하게 합니다.
4. 서브-1비트 압축 실현
4.3. 압축 체계 및 커널 공동 설계
압축 체계와 GPU 디코딩 커널을 함께 설계하여, 좋은 압축률을 달성하는 동시에 고속으로 디코딩할 수 있습니다. 이를 위해 고정 길이의 부호어를 사용하여 변수 길이의 심볼을 매핑하는 사전 기반 코드를 사용합니다.
5. 실험
5.2. 압축 결과
모든 SwitchTransformer 모델을 2비트 및 삼진법 Precision로 양자화하고 유효성을 평가합니다. 데이터 의존적 양자화를 사용하여 삼진법 Precision에서도 상대적으로 작은 손실 증가로 Precision를 달성할 수 있음을 보여줍니다.
6. 관련 작업
MoE 모델의 효율성과 실용성에 대한 연구는 계속해서 중요한 연구 주제입니다. 연구는 트릴리온 파라미터 규모에서 이런 기술들의 효과와 효율성을 보여줍니다.
Generative large language models (LLMs), e.g. (Radford et al., 2019; Brown et al., 2020; Touvron et al., 2023a;b), have garnered significant industrial and popular attention due to their surprising performance across many practical language and reasoning tasks. Yet, a major obstacle to broad deployment is given by their extremely high inference costs. One particularly promising approach for reducing these costs is the use of Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) architectures, e.g. (Fedus et al., 2022; Artetxe et al., 2022), whose general idea is to replicate certain model components many times while routing each input only to a small subset of those replicas. Through expert “specialization” to input subsets, MoEs achieve faster inference for the same model quality, but with significantly higher memory costs due to components being replicated hundreds or even thousands of times, for the largest and best-performing models.
For example, the popular SwitchTransformer family (Fedus et al., 2022), which we focus on in this study, uses between 128 and 2048 experts (layer replicas) to significantly outperform standard dense T5 models (Raffel et al., 2020b) in terms of inference and training costs, at equivalent model accuracy. Artetxe et al. (2022) report similar improvements, on different tasks, for 512 experts. However, these results come at the cost of dramatic increases in model size: the largest SwitchTransformer has 1.6 trillion parameters, requiring 3.2TB of storage in standard half-precision, and correspondingly requires a hundred or more expensive (GPU or TPU) accelerators for efficient usage. This not only makes practical deployment costly and challenging, but also strongly limits research on such models.
Challenges. It is natural to ask whether the truly massive memory costs of such MoEs can be reduced via standard techniques for model compression, such as quantization (Gholami et al., 2021) or sparsity (Hoefler et al., 2021), without significant accuracy loss. Achieving this would require overcoming conceptual and technical barriers:
Contribution. In this paper, we overcome these challenges, and introduce QMoE, a framework for accurate compression and fast compressed inference of massive MoEs, reducing model sizes by 10–20×, to less than 1 bit per parameter. QMoE is specifically designed to compress and subsequently inference with models like the 1.6 trillion parameter SwitchTransformer-c2048, using only modest computational resources.
Our key technical contributions are a highly scalable compression algorithm implementation and a customized compression format designed together with bespoke GPUkernels for fast on-the-fly decoding. Further, we show for the first time that accurate sub-1-bit compression of trillion parameter MoEs is feasible and can be achieved via affordable retraining-free compression techniques.
Concretely, we reduce the size of SwitchTransformer-c2048, the largest openly-available model, from 3.2TB in bfloat16 to less than 160GB in our customized compressed format, that is, ≈ 0.8 bits per parameter, at only a minor increase in loss on pretraining validation and zero-shot data. Using our QMoE kernels, this compressed model can then be executed fully, without any slow offloading, on commodity hardware such as 8× NVIDIA RTX 3090 or 4× NVIDIA A6000 GPUs, with < 5% runtime overhead relative to an idealized version of uncompressed execution, which would require ≈ 20× more GPUs.
In summary, our work enables, for the first time, the performant execution of massive-scale MoE models on commodity hardware. This is illustrated by the fact that we are able to efficiently run the trillion-parameter SwitchTransformerc2048 model on a single commodity GPU server, with minor accuracy loss. This addresses one of the key limitations behind MoE architectures, and should improve their practical adoption as well as facilitate further research on understanding and improving such models.
The core idea behind Mixture of Expert models (MoEs) is to increase the number of parameters, and thus the network’s modelling power, while at the same time keeping compute costs near-constant, relative to a standard feedforward architecture. This is typically achieved by creating many copies of certain model components, each of which is responsible for processing only a subset of all input tokens. The corresponding input-to-component assignments are generally decided by a “router” layer. Probably the most common MoE design (Fedus et al., 2022; Artetxe et al., 2022), which we also focus on in this paper, is to replicate the fully-connected module of a Transformer and route tokens to the replica, referred to as an expert, with the highest assignment score predicted by a linear routing layer; see Figure 1 for an illustration. This design enables efficient training and inference of extremely large models, using 100s or even 1000s of experts/, since each token is processed only by a small subset of the massive overall network.
Figure 1. Example of an MoE Transformer block. Each token is routed to a different fully-connected (FC) block.
MoEs have been shown to bring substantial accuracy and training speed improvements for equivalent inference speed (Clark et al., 2022; Du et al., 2022; Zoph et al., 2022). However, their current practicality is limited since they are extremely large in size and thus require massive amounts of accelerator memory to be executed efficiently.
The currently most effective strategy for reducing model size and corresponding memory costs is quantization, i.e., converting model weights to lower numerical precision. On large models (Dettmers et al., 2022; Dettmers & Zettlemoyer, 2022), in particular also MoEs (Kim et al., 2022b; Yi et al., 2023), just simple rounding can decrease precision to 8 or even 4 bits per weight, at minimal accuracy loss relative to the standard half (16-bit) precision employed for these models. However, some MoEs are so large that reduction rates significantly higher than 4× (accomplished by 4-bit) would be required to render them practical. Accurately quantizing models to extremely low precision (e.g., lower than 3 bits per parameter) typically requires more sophisticated data-dependent methods (Nagel et al., 2020; Wang et al., 2020; Hubara et al., 2021).
Such data-dependent quantization methods use a small set of calibration data, which is passed through the model. As this happens, for each linear layer \(\ell\) with weights \(W_\ell\), quantized weights \(Q_\ell\) are determined one-by-one. Specifically, one approach to do this is by solving a layer-wise quantization problem, stated with respect to \(W_\ell\) and the observed calibration data inputs \(X_\ell\) at the current layer:
\[\arg\min_{Q_\ell} \|Q_\ell X_\ell - W_\ell X_\ell\| \quad \text{... (1)}\]Various solvers for Equation (1) have been proposed, with some optimized, in terms of speed and accuracy, particularly for extremely large models, like GPTQ (Frantar et al., 2022) or ZeroQuant (Yao et al., 2022; Wu et al., 2023). The former performs quantization using second-order information in the layer-wise Hessian matrix \(X_\ell X_\ell^\top\), while the latter applies SGD-optimization with straight-through gradient estimation (Bengio et al., 2013).
Another noteworthy characteristic of many such methods is that per-layer quantization can be performed sequentially, using the input from the already partially quantized model up to layer \(\ell - 1\), when quantizing layer \(\ell\), serving to reduce error accumulation. Concretely, this can be efficiently implemented by using \(X_\ell\) to find \(Q_\ell\) before passing on \(X_{\ell+1} = Q_\ell X_\ell\) to the next layer.
There are several aspects which make very-low-bit, e.g. ternary (3 values) quantization promising for MoE models:
Our experiments in Section 5.2 confirm that MoEs are indeed highly robust to extreme levels of quantization.
While data-dependent quantization techniques have already been used to successfully compress large dense models up to 176 billion parameters (Frantar et al., 2022; Wu et al., 2023), applying them to sparse mixture-of-expert models another order of magnitude larger brings several new challenges.
Memory Costs. The first major problem we encounter is a large increase in the memory required to apply such techniques. Not only are the original model weights nearly 10× larger, but the quantization process itself also needs > 100× more data. The latter constraint is because accurate datadependent quantization methods require a sufficient number of input samples for each layer that is being compressed. For very large dense models, a few hundreds of thousands of “calibration tokens” typically suffice (Frantar et al., 2022; Yao et al., 2022). However, in MoEs with thousands of layers, a single expert processes only a small subset of all inputs, hence we need much more tokens overall to achieve good coverage of all experts. Further, in encoder-decoder architecture models, like SwitchTransformers, each token is processed only by half of the model, again increasing data requirements. For fast compression, we must maintain intermediate results for the full calibration dataset, which requires 100s of GBs of memory for the largest models.
GPU Utilization. The next significant challenge is that existing large-scale quantization implementations, in particular for GPTQ and related methods (Frantar et al., 2022; Chee et al., 2023), are designed to be fast and memory efficient for the massive individual layers occurring in dense models. Meanwhile, MoEs typically have smaller layers, but 100× to 1000× more of them. Current implementations have poor GPU utilization in this case, and consequently bad performance. A similar issue occurs if activations and weights have to be transferred between CPU and GPU with high frequency, which may be required to cope with the massive memory requirements discussed previously.
Reliability Requirements. Finally, another issue when compressing models with tens of thousands of layers is that running into rare edge cases, which may break the process, is highly likely. This is includes numerical problems like noninvertible layer-wise Hessians, as well as model-specific ones, e.g., extreme routing patterns on particular layers.
In this section, we describe system-level design and optimizations to address the challenges in Section 3.1. This allows us to apply data-dependent compression to massive MoEs, while preserving the key feature of post-training compression techniques: the ability to perform effective compression using only modest computational resources, e.g., a single NVIDIA A6000 GPU and less than one day of compute. Although we focus on scaling the popular GPTQ method, most techniques described below will generalize to other data-dependent quantization approaches, like ZeroQuant (Yao et al., 2022), as well.
As discussed in Section 3.1, a key challenge in compressing MoEs is that we need to maintain massive activation sets. Yet, it is possible to carefully orchestrate model execution in such a way that we only ever need to perform computation on a small subset of the intermediate data. This allows us to offload main storage from GPU, to much less expensive and plentiful CPU memory.
Figure 2. Illustration of the offloading execution for the sparse part of a Transformer block. An expert \(E_2\) and its corresponding input tokens \(X_{E}\) are fetched to GPU memory to produce \(E'_2\), which together with the corresponding outputs \(Y_{E}\) are written back to CPU again.
Concretely, we maintain a single large buffer B which we update as follows, for the dense part of a Transformer block:
To efficiently support per-sample access for evaluating dense model components, as well as fully-vectorized querying of expert tokens, we store B as a list buffer data structure. This can be seen as a huge contiguous buffer of all token hidden states, together with delimiter indices denoting boundaries between individual samples. Figure 3 illustrates this storage format. This datastructure is crucial for efficiency; naively iterating over samples and fetching relevant tokens via masking is unusably slow for large sample counts.
This process, which is visualized in Figure 2, minimizes both memory consumption and transfer cost: we need only a single copy of \(B\) and each token is only read and written twice per Transformer block.
Figure 3. List buffer example with 3 samples, indicated by hue.
Since the weights of the 1.6 trillion parameter model consume \(>\) 3 TB of storage, they cannot even be stored in CPU RAM. Thus, we lazily fetch them directly from disk storage as they are required. If we follow the inference procedure outlined in Section 3.2.1, this would be exactly once. Afterwards, their memory is released again.
Additionally, in order to avoid GPU underutilization (see Section 3.1), we group multiple experts together and apply a joint batched variant of the GPTQ algorithm. Concretely, we extract the inputs \(X_E\) corresponding to all experts \(E \in \mathcal{E}\) in group \(\mathcal{E}\) (the \(X_E\) will generally have different sizes) and compute Hessians \(H_E\). These matrices, together with the weight matrices \(W_E\), are then stacked to 3-dimensional tensors, on which our modified GPTQ algorithm operates, compressing all experts simultaneously. We can also compute \(H_E = X_E X_E^\top\) directly with a single matrix multiplication as the \(X_E\) are generally small enough, avoiding the slow per-sample accumulation employed by prior implementations. Our default expert group size \(\\|\mathcal{E}\\|\) is 16, which brings a good trade-off between GPU memory consumption and utilization.
Table 1 demonstrates the impact of expert grouping via GPTQ batching, when compressing a sparse encoder layer of switch-base-128 using 10k samples; \(\\|\mathcal{E}\\| = 16\) yields about \(\approx 6\times\) speedup over standard per-expert computation.
\(\|\mathcal{E}\|\) | Compression Time |
1 | x |
4 | x/2 |
8 | x/3 |
16 | x/6 |
To achieve sufficiently high robustness for successfully quantizing trillion parameter models with tens of thousands of layers, we need to employ various numerical and memory adjustments. The most important are listed below:
In addition to implementing a highly efficient compression system, we also make new discoveries about applying GPTQ in our particular context, i.e., for models trained for maskedlanguage-modelling, MoEs and ternary quantization.
Premasking Special Tokens. First, we find that results can be improved if the various special separator tokens inserted by the masked-language-modelling task (Raffel et al., 2020b) are excluded from the calibration data used for compression. Conretely, in the encoder, we mask out those “mask-tokens” during the Hessian computation. Meanwhile, in the decoder, we skip the token directly before such a special token as this is the one used to predict the latter.
As shown in Table 2 for switch-base-128 with 10k samples, this brings noticeably lower loss at no additional compute cost. We think that because those tokens are very common during training, the model is so robust in their prediction that any error compensation on them during quantization is unnecessary, while worsening correction for other tokens.
Table 3. Activation reordering (act) and sequential execution (seq).
Using our system discussed in Section 3, we can accurately quantize extremely large SwitchTransformers to very low bit-widths: 2-bit and even ternary (3 possible values). Yet, in practice, this falls still short of our compression goal of less than 1 bit per parameter. We find that compression rates can be pushed significantly further by taking advantage of the low entropy in the quantized weights. Next, we co-design an encoding scheme and a CUDA kernel which realize sub1-bit per weight compression in practice, at minimal cost in terms of GPU execution overhead for inference.
We pick quantization grids in standard fashion: row-wise around the min and max weights values (Dettmers et al., 2022; Frantar et al., 2022), e.g., for ternary: \(\{w_{\text{min}}, 0, w_{\text{max}}\}\). These rather wide grids combined with the fact that weights are typically close to normally distributed, naturally lead to high sparsity after quantization, i.e., a large number of zeros. We demonstrate this in Table 4, averaged over all layers. For ternary weights, the largest model achieves close to 90% natural sparsity; the standard deviation is also quite low, at \(< 5\%\). Seen another way, the quantized weights have low entropy, meaning that, on average, significantly fewer bits per weight should be required for lossless storage.
Model | Natural Sparsity | Std. Dev. |
Largest Model | ~90% | <5% |
Table 2. Impact of special token masking; validation loss.
Table 4. Natural sparsity for different compressed models.
The direct way of utilizing these high zero proportions would be in form of a joint sparse & quantized representation (Kurtic et al., 2022; Yu et al., 2023): storing only the quantized values of non-zero weights, together with necessary position metadata. However, as our base quantization levels are already very low, standard sparsity metadata formats (Elsen et al., 2020; Lin et al., 2023) would only allow limited additional compression. A bitmask indicating non-zero locations requires 1 bit per weight, while 10-13 bit (depending on layer size) column indices are even less memory efficient at the sparsity levels we encounter. Therefore, we take a different approach: we do not utilize sparsity directly but rather the low entropy, which is implied by the fact that a single value (0) occurs very frequently, using an appropriate encoding scheme.
In principle, we could group multiple consecutive ternary weights into super-symbols and then apply a code which assigns variable length codewords to those super-symbols, based on their probability of occurrence, for example, via a Huffman approach (Huffman, 1952). If the quantized weight values were close to independent, this would achieve strong compression rates; in fact, for actual independence, they would be essentially Shannon-optimal (MacKay, 2003).
At the same time, our primary goal is to use compressed models for fast and space-efficient inference. Thus, it is critical not only that our encoding scheme achieves good compression, but also that it can be decoded fast on GPU hardware. This is challenging for a number of reasons:
Challenge 1: Entropy-based codes generally possess sequential decoding dependencies: symbol i can only be determined if the length, which is variable, of all \((i − 1)\) prior symbols is known. Hence, processing consecutive symbols simultaneously leads to high synchronization overhead.
Challenge 2: Binary words in storage (e.g., INT32 blobs) may contain different numbers of decoded symbols. Consequently, even if rows/blocks are encoded independently, parallel decoding will happen non-uniformly, while all threads in a GPU-warp must always execute the same instruction. This would result in many wasted operations.
Challenge 3: Variable-length low-bit decoding involves a large number of binary operations like shifts, which are not particularly efficient on GPUs.
Challenge 4: Individual matrices of MoEs are typically not very large, making it difficult to split them into enough separately decoded segments to achieve good GPU utilization without having to store additional data to break sequential dependencies, which would harm compression rates.
In contrast, uncompressed half-precision matrix-vector products, which are the primary operation underlying generative inference, easily achieve close to ideal memory-bandwidth utilization and thus present a very strong baseline.
To achieve our goal, we need to design a compression scheme and its GPU decoding kernel jointly, and potentially trade off compression for faster decoding. We begin with an overview of the main ideas behind our approach, followed by an in-depth discussion of key details.
Instead of a code with variable length codewords (see Section 4.2.1) mapping to fixed length data, we will use a dictionary-based code with fixed length codewords mapping to a variable number of symbols. Such LZW-based schemes (Welch, 1984) are popular for general purpose compression like ZIP, as they are particularly effective for text data with long repeated segments. While a dictionary code is not ideal in terms of compression rate for the case of almost-random data in our application, it will be key for fast GPU decoding.
First, our kernel design uses one warp, that is 32 consecutive threads, to handle a row of a weight matrix, each of which is encoded independently. This addresses Challenge 4 in Section 4.2.1, yielding reasonable GPU utilization for relevant matrix sizes, with negligible metadata overhead. Further, we use a fixed-to-variable code with a large dictionary. This allows us to use a full warp to process one codeword at-atime, extracting all data, while maintaining good efficiency, thus working around Challenges 1 and 2. This way, slow bit and base-3 operations (for ternary) can also be kept at a minimum, resolving Challenge 3.
In general, assume that the values of a ternary weight matrix (denoted by 0, 1, 2) are distributed close to independently according to the distribution:
\[P(0) = p_0, \quad P(1) = P(2) = \frac{1 - p_0}{2} \quad \text{... (2)}\]where \(p_0\) denotes the probability of sampling 0, e.g., 0.885 as per Table 4. Since we plan to use a rather large dictionary, it should be shared between many weight matrices, in order for the dictionary itself not to cause substantial storage overheads. We find that such a static dictionary works well enough, while simplifying memory efficient compression (see Section 3.2) as we do not have to collect statistics over many yet uncompressed experts.
Next, we consider pairs of ternary values \(t = (t_1, t_2)\), whose corresponding probability is \(P(t) = P(t_1)P(t_2)\). We generate the 216 highest probability sequences containing at most 14 such pairs. This dictionary can be generated using a max-priority queue on probability, as shown by Algorithm 1.
To briefly understand the procedure, notice that upon the first iteration, it will push all individual pairs \(t = (t_1, t_2)\) to the priority queue, sorting them by decreasing probability, after which they will be expanded in this order.
Algorithm 1 Generate decoding dictionary sequences.
We have exactly 216 codewords as this allows us to store them in the native UINT16
datatype, avoiding any slow bit extractions at this decoding level. Each of those codewords maps to two consecutive UINT32
values containing up to 7 pairs each, stored using 2 bits per ternary value, followed by the total number of pairs in the sequence; see also Figure 4. This format dictates our maximum chosen pair count of 14. Further, we consider pairs, rather than individual weights, to fit the maximum count into 4 bits. The 2-bit-per-weight format is used as there is enough space, while a more compact ternary encoding would involve slow modulo and division operations for extraction. We store the pair-count twice so that each thread can work with only half of the data, stored in a fast INT32
Validation. To assess the effectiveness of our scheme, we compute achieved compression rates, both on a real ternary quantized c2048 model as well as on weight matrices sampled directly from distribution (2), yielding \(20.07\times\) and \(21.11\times\), respectively. This gap of only \(\approx 5\%\) suggests that our simplifying independence assumption is indeed quite close for large models. We also note that our rates are only \(\approx 20\%\) away from the distribution’s (with \(p = 0.885\)) theoretical compression limit of \(25.40\times\), which we consider a reasonable trade-off for enabling fast GPU decoding.
Having defined the dictionary format, we can now discuss the design of the actual decoding kernel in detail. We focus on the most important operation for inference, decompression fused with a matrix-vector-product. However, our techniques can easily be adapted to other use-cases, e.g., pure decompression.
Listing 1 provides CUDA-like pseudocode for our kernel, computing the matrix-vector-product of compressed matrix w_comp
(with metadata row_off
and ter_minmax
, using dictionary dec
) and BF16
vector x
, into output buffer y
. The handling of various edge cases and some index calculations have been removed for readability. Please see our repository for the fully functional implementation.
Figure 4. Data format of a dictionary entry; here of 24 weights.
Overall, mapping 16-bit codewords to 64-bit data blobs strikes a good balance between several goals: (a) Having codewords map to, on average, more uncompressed values than their bitwidth, a necessary condition for achieving < 1-bit compression. (b) Minimizing the overall storage cost of the dictionary to fit into the L2-cache of the GPU, which is critical for good decoding performance. (c) Utilizing as many threads in a warp as possible for simultaneously extracting plain weights from the decoded data; usually, > 16 will do useful work and only 4 out of 32 threads are never active in this step. (d) Avoiding as many conditionals and extra operations necessary for dealing with non-uniform data storage as possible, which slow down parallelization.
Parallelization. Overall, each threadblock will handle multiple consecutive rows, each of which is processed by a single warp. We use exactly one thread-block per GPU Streaming Multiprocessor (SM) with min(#rows in block, 32) warps; if there are more than 32 rows in a block, (some) warps sequentially process multiple rows (note that this part is omitted in Listing 1 for simplicity). This avoids any bad wave quantization effects. We find this strategy to be an effective heuristic that yields good performance for all matrix shapes we consider.
Execution. Our kernel starts by loading the entire input vector to shared memory (x shared, lines 7-9), using all warps in a threadblock. This enables fast element access in the subsequent per-row product-sum accumulations.
Next, each warp processes its corresponding row by first fetching (up to) 32 codewords into shared memory (w comp block, line 23) using a single coalesced transaction. It then loops over those symbols, processing one-at-a-time (lines 26-33). First, using 28 of its 32 threads (line 25), it fetches the corresponding decoding data from the dictionary where the first UINT32 is assigned to threads 0-13 and the second to threads 14-27 (wx14, line 27). Then, each thread extracts its corresponding ternary weight (lines 29-30) and adds the corresponding input product into its own partial result accumulator (res, line 31). We note that the input reads from shared memory are contiguous and do not cause bank conflicts. Afterwards, each thread advances the offset index (idx, line 32) into the input vector by the total number of weights encoded in the current symbol.
Finally, after the full row has been scanned, a warpreduction (lines 37-38) over the partial results of each thread yields the output (y, lines 39-40).
Ternary decoding. Another relevant detail is that ternary weights are stored as 0, 1, 2 (line 29) but need to be dequantized to 0, wmin, wmax for multiplication with inputs. We found that the most efficient way of performing this conversion is via a shared memory lookup table (lines 11-14). Crucially, this table needs to be replicated 32 times across the column-dimension to avoid very frequent bank conflicts, which would otherwise occur every time not all 28 threads dequantize the same value (line 30). Fortunately, there are only 3 input values and so its overall size is tolerable.
Encoding. So far, we have only focused on the decoding operation, but we also have to encode matrices with reasonable efficiency. In general, this is done by building a trie datastructure (of the dictionary discussed in Section 4.3.2) mapping sequences to codewords. Then, we iterate through the input while simulatenously traversing the trie to find longest prefix matches, yielding the corresponding codewords. Finally, we densely pack rows of different lengths into a contiguous buffer and record corresponding row offsets. Unlike decoding, encoding is not very latency critical and a straight-forward GPU kernel using one thread per row of the matrix to compress suffices.
Models. We focus our experiments on the SwitchTransformer (Fedus et al., 2022) family of models. Our primary target is the very largest variant, c2048, with around 1.6 trillion parameters, but we also consider the comparatively small base128 (7B params) and large128 (26B params) versions for testing and ablations. We chose the SwitchTransformer family as it contains the largest publicly-available model, which also features a similar or higher number of training tokens to parameters ratio than potential alternatives like Artetxe et al. (2022). Further, those models are also among the most popular massive MoEs, with several implementations across frameworks.
Framework. As accessibility is a major goal of our work, we build our code-base around the PyTorch-backend of the highly popular HuggingFace (Wolf et al., 2019) framework, rather than on the SwitchTransormer’s original training environment MeshTensorflow (Shazeer et al., 2018) or its JAX-based successor T5X (Google, 2023). This brings a number of additional challenges.
First, we find that the largest model variants require a handful of bugfixes, primarily configuration and model setup changes, in order to run properly. We suspect that this is because their enormous sizes have rendered extensive testing very difficult. Second, we observed a major inefficiency in the context of generative inference for models with a large number of experts: the HuggingFace implementation will perform several (empty) CUDA calls for potentially 1000s of experts to which no token is routed, accumulating large overheads. We modify the implementation (also for baselines) to skip such unnecessary calls, leading to > 10× speedup for large models. We apply all changes to the HuggingFace framework only dynamically at runtime, so that our code can be run directly with an official installation.
HuggingFace prioritizes ease-of-use and flexibility over high performance. For that reason, we conduct inference measurements not only end-to-end, including all HuggingFace overheads, but also in isolated fashion, comparing uncompressed and compressed matrix operations directly. This is to demonstrate that our GPU kernels would also yield low overhead in more optimized inference environments.
Datasets. SwitchTransformers have been trained for a Masked-Language-Modelling (MLM) objective (Raffel et al., 2020b) on the C4 dataset (Raffel et al., 2020a). Similar to most works in the area of LLM quantization (Yao et al., 2022; Frantar et al., 2022; Dettmers & Zettlemoyer, 2022), we focus on general upstream compression directly on this pretraining task/dataset combination. Consequently, our evaluation focuses on validation performance for C4/MLM,
where we use the public reproduction of C4 on HuggingFace as well as their replication of the original masking procedure. Calibration data for compression is taken, in order, from the first two shards of the training set. For efficiency, we primarily evaluate on 128 samples (corresponding to the average loss over > 10K tokens, which is quite stable) from the first shard of the validation set, but we also perform some evaluations other datasets.
Hardware. All compression experiments, including those for the very largest models, can be performed in less than a day on a single NVIDIA A6000 with 48GB of GPU memory. However, efficiently compressing trillion parameter models using a large number of calibration samples requires a few 100GBs of (CPU) RAM; the original 1.6T model itself also occupies > 3 TB disk storage. We highlight that our work is performed in a highly constrained environment for models of this size, for example, it is already infeasible to load the entire (uncompressed) 1.6T model into RAM, let alone into GPU memory. For inference on compressed models, we will also consider running on multiple NVIDIA 3090 GPUs, with 24GB of memory each, in addition to A6000s.
Accuracy. We begin by quantizing all SwitchTransformer models to 2-bit and ternary precision, and evaluating their validation loss. Our default number of calibration samples is 10K for 128 experts and 160K for 2048, but we also consider using 0.5× and 2× as many samples. In addition to using our efficient QMoE framework discussed in Section 3, we also consider a standard round-to-nearest (RTN) baseline (Dettmers et al., 2022). We simulate the latter by fixing Hessians to the identity matrix, thus applying precisely the same quantization settings and evaluation protocol. Table 5 summarizes our results.
Table 5. Comparing C4 validation losses for 2-bit and ternary (tern) quantized SwitchTransformers. “QMoE 0.5x” indicates that only half of the default number of calibration samples are used.
Perhaps surprisingly, vanilla rounding (RTN) does not lead to a complete model collapse even at ternary precision, emphasizing the high robustness of large MoEs to quantization. Nevertheless, the loss increases are quite significant for smaller models at 2-bit and far too large to be useful at ternary precision. In contrast, using data-dependent quantization, 2-bit is achievable at minimal loss (1.7% relative on c2048) and ternary at only a small increase (6.7% relative on c2048). This demonstrates not only the effectiveness of such advanced quantization methods in this context, but also shows that extremely low-bit compression is indeed practical for massive MoEs.
Additionally, we conduct evaluations on Arxiv, GitHub, StackeEchange and Wikipedia data sampled from RedPajama (Computer, 2023). Even though only < 0.01% of our C4 calibration data originates from those websites, the compressed model still preserves performance almost as well as on the core of the distribution (see Table 6).
Table 6. Additional evaluations for the c2048 model.
In terms of calibration data, we see that increasing the amount of samples generally improves performance slightly, most noticeably for ternary quantization, but there is also some noise in the process, especially at 2-bit.
Compression. Next, we investigate the actual compression rates that are achieved by further compressing ternary models using our scheme introduced in Section 4. We consider both compression relative to just the MoE modules (the model parts we quantize) as well as to the full model and all its metadata. The compression rates and overall checkpoint sizes are listed in Table 7.
Table 7. Compression rates and sizes for ternary models.
In general, measuring only relative to parts we compress (moe-only), all sizes achieve > 16× compression rate and thus < 1 bits per parameter storage. On c2048, even the overall rate, including all uncompressed dense layers, remains at 19.81×, corresponding to 0.807 bits per parameter, reducing the checkpoint size from 3142GB to 158.6GB. One can also observe that compression rates increase with model size, which is for two reasons: (a) natural sparsity increases while our encoding dictionary is also optimized for c2048 (see Section 4), and (b) weight distributions become closer to independent for larger layer sizes.
Runtime. Finally, we evaluate how long it takes to produce compressed models on a single A6000 GPU, for different amounts of calibration data. The results are shown in Table 8. Smaller models can be compressed in less than an hour and even c2048 in less than a day, confirming the high efficiency of QMoE. The runtime increase from large128 to c2048 is roughly proportional to the difference in size, despite the latter using 16× more samples. This is because the number of samples per expert stays constant and the expert size increases only slightly. Finally, we note that simply (iteratively) loading the original 1.6T model into RAM takes close to 5 hours on our slow disk storage.
Figure 5. (Left) Per-layer compressed kernel performance relative to uncompressed execution. (Right) End-to-end runtimes of compressed models and estimates (∗, would require 65/130 GPUs) for bloat16 baselines. c2048 is run on 4×A6000 and 8×3090 GPUs, respectively.
Table 8. Compression runtime for different calibration data size.
Individual Layers. Our kernel performance evaluation starts with a direct (isolated) comparison of our compressed matrix-vector product kernels (see Section 4) against PyTorch’s standard (uncompressed) bfloat16 cuBLAS kernels. Figure 5 (Left) shows the time taken by our compressed kernels relative to bfloat16, for the matrix shapes found in our MoEs, on two different GPUs. While our kernels have to perform a lot less slow (global) memory reads than the bfloat16 baseline due to lower storage costs, they need to spend much more compute for complex unpacking of the heavily-compressed weights. Nevertheless, executing our compressed kernels takes less time than the close to ideal bfloat16 baseline in all cases, with up to 35% speedup on specific matrix shapes. We note that these are very lowlatency operations, with the smallest matrix taking < 0.02 milliseconds and the largest < 0.05.
End-to-End Execution. Finally, we also benchmark our kernels end-to-end in HuggingFace on the real weights of our compressed MoE models. We consider an individual user application, like (Frantar et al., 2022; Leviathan et al., 2023; Park et al., 2022), where a single prompt (sampled from C4) should be processed to generate a 128-token response. As actually running the bfloat16 version of the c2048 model would require > 65 A6000 and > 130 3090 GPUs (versus 4 and 8, respectively, for sub-1-bit compressed weights) we have to estimate its runtime. We do this by having all experts in a layer point to the same weight data (completely resolving memory issues), which allows us to collect timings with precisely the same overheads as for our compressed models. However, this is a highly optimistic estimate since real execution would require close to 20× more GPUs, with corresponding communication overheads, and our numbers should thus be viewed only as a lower bound.
The results, shown in Figure 5 (Right), demonstrate that end-to-end execution of compressed models is only < 5% slower than standard (uncompressed) execution. This slight slow-down despite faster per-layer timings is due to the fact that the encoder may sometimes route multiple tokens to the same expert. Our current implementation naively executes a separate matrix-vector product for each token, while the baseline performs a much more efficient joint matrix multiplication. For applications where this is a significant bottleneck, one could easily introduce an inner loop over tokens into our kernel (Listing 1, line 30), or fully decompress first, followed by a standard matmul, for large token counts.
Mixture-of-Expert (MoE) Models. Mixture-of-expert models are a popular research direction aimed at creating significantly more efficient large-scale models (Fedus et al., 2022; Artetxe et al., 2022; Clark et al., 2022). At the core of MoEs lie (sparse) routing mechanisms, of which many variants have been proposed. Those range from static assignment based on input tokens IDs (Roller et al., 2021), over dynamic token-to-expert matching (Zhou et al., 2022), to “soft” routing of linear input combinations (Puigcerver et al., 2023). Since MoEs can feature rather different computational profiles from standard dense models, there is also significant research on optimizing inference and training systems (Barham et al., 2022; Gale et al., 2023; Hwang et al., 2023). Among the most critical problems in this area are data-exchanges between accelerators during routing and dealing with uneven compute-loads for different experts.
QMoE: Practical Sub-1-Bit Compression of Trillion-Parameter Models
LLM Quantization. Quantization is a very popular compression technique, which has seen a vast amount of work (Gholami et al., 2021), especially in the context of LLMs. Specifically, the ability to perform accurate weight quantization for billion-parameter models has greatly boosted their accessibility: it has been shown that extremely large dense models can be quantized to 8or even 4-bit precision at little accuracy loss (Dettmers et al., 2022; Yao et al., 2022; Frantar et al., 2022; Dettmers & Zettlemoyer, 2022). Pushing towards even lower bitwidths via more sophisticated compression formats, like multi-level grouping coupled with higher-precision outliers (Dettmers et al., 2023b), or new quantization techniques, like incoherence preprocessing (Chee et al., 2023), is an active area of research. Currently, accurate quantization to 2 or less bits per parameter appears to be a major barrier for post-training quantization of standard LLMs. By contrast, in this work we show that massive MoE models appear to be significantly more compressible, as we achieve sub-1-bit compression at comparable loss increases to 3-bit or 4-bit quantization of standard LLMs with advanced techniques.
MoE Compression. There has also been work on compressing MoE models in particular. Chen et al. (2022) and Koishekenov et al. (2022) perform compression via specialization of MoEs to specific “downstream” fine-tuning datasets by pruning components not relevant to the particular task. In contrast, we focus on general “upstream” compression of the pretrained model, via extremely low-bit quantization. Other works (Kim et al., 2022b; Yi et al., 2023; Kim et al., 2023) also perform MoE quantization, but focus on noticeably higher bit-widths, like 8 or 4 bits per weight. This is accomplished primarily via simple rounding, which, as shown by our experiments, is not accurate enough for full 2-bit or lower compression. Kim et al. (2022a) achieve 2-bit quantization on a 5 billion parameter MoE, which is considered relatively small in this area, by further optimization of the model via Quantization-Aware Training (Nagel et al., 2021). Applying such an approach for trillion-scale models would be extremely resource intensive. They also do not provide any mechansims for exploiting low-bit quantization and its corresponding natural sparsity in practice, which is challenging and constitutes a key contribution of our work.
We are particularly focused on scalabilty and practicalty. While existing works study models with at most tens of billions of parameters, we demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of our techniques at trillion parameter scale, both for the quantization process itself as well as for actual inference of compressed models.
We have presented QMoE, an end-to-end compression and inference framework for addressing the massive memory costs of MoE inference. We showed, for the first time, that models such as the trillion-parameter SwitchTransformer-c2048 can be accurately compressed to less than 1 bit per parameter, close to 20× compression rate, in a custom format that enables the first efficient end-to-end execution of such a model on a single commodity GPU server. QMoE is fully open-source and built around the popular HuggingFace framework, making deployment and research for massive MoEs significantly cheaper and more accessible.
Our study is confined to a limited set of models, as only very few massive and accurate MoEs are available publicy. Additionaly, due to their size, most MoEs are trained and deployed in different bespoke framework, requiring complex manual integrations to use for further research. Nevertheless, we have covered some of the largest and most accurate available MoEs, specifically SwitchTransformers (Fedus et al., 2022). A natural extension of our work would be to apply our QMoE techniques to other MoE models and variants, such as Artetxe et al. (2022) or the recently-proposed SoftMoEs (Puigcerver et al., 2023).
Additionally, we have focused on direct compression of the pretrained base model. However, it would also be interesting to further finetune a compressed model for specialized downstream tasks, similar to QLoRA (Dettmers et al., 2023a). Zoph et al. (2022) report strong results when fine-tuning only non-expert layers, which QMoE leaves uncompressed, suggesting that this application could be promising. We hope to explore this in future work.