두 가지 시나리오 고려
강력한 LLM 사용하여 명령어-응답 쌍 생성 생성된 데이터로 목표 LLM 파인튜닝 파인튜닝된 LLM 성능 평가
CodecLM 제안
다양한 작업과 LLM에 맞춤화된 명령어-응답 쌍 생성 프레임워크 휴먼 주석 불필요
Large language models (LLMs) have exhibited remarkable capabilities across a wide array of natural language processing (NLP) tasks (Brown et al., 2020; Ouyang et al., 2022; OpenAI, 2023a; Anil et al., 2023). In particular, LLMs can be trained for improved instruction-following through various methods, including fine-tuning on human-annotated data (Touvron et al., 2023; Bai et al., 2022) or extracted knowledge from stronger
Figure 1: Overview of CodecLM. We first encode seed instructions into metadata to capture the underlying dis- tribution of instructions. This metadata is then decoded through Self-Rubrics and Contrastive Filtering to tailor high-quality synthetic instructions that are aligned with the target instruction distribution. Intermediate instruc- tions and responses are omitted in the figure for clarity.
LLMs (Wang et al., 2022; Taori et al., 2023; Chiang et al., 2023; Peng et al., 2023). Recent progress in this area highlights the critical role of high-quality data in enhancing LLMs’ instruction-following ca- pabilities (Zhou et al., 2023a; Köpf et al., 2023; Chen et al., 2023b). However, acquiring such data through human annotation remains cost-prohibitive and difficult to scale, hindering further progress.
As an alternative solution to human annota- tion, recent work explores generating instruction- response pairs for LLM alignment by prompting them with example data or prompts and iteratively refining the results (Honovich et al., 2022; Wang et al., 2022; Li et al., 2023; Xu et al., 2023). While these methods are effective at generating diverse and complex instructions for LLM align- ment broadly, real-world applications often priori- tize tailoring the LLM to specific downstream tasks such as individual enterprise applications or per- sonal assistant agents (OpenAI, 2023b), which of-
Creative WritingStrong LLMStrong LLMMetadata encodingSelf-RubricsContrastive FilteringUpon being revived, a group of people given a second chance at life … Describe their journey and the choices they make.Use CaseRole-PlayStory-tellingSkillsHigh-Quality Synthetic Instructions…Strong LLMAs a superhero, how would you explain your origin story to a curious child?(Optional) Seed InstructionsLLM as EncoderLLM as Decoder ten involve different instruction distributions. This desideratum for task-specific alignment brings us to a core question for data synthesis: how can we tailor synthetic data to align LLMs for different instruction-following tasks?
Specifically, current data synthesis approaches fall short of providing effective solutions for task- specific LLM alignment. While prior works by Wang et al. (2022) and Xu et al. (2023) empha- size diversity and complexity as hallmarks of high- quality data, these approaches stumble when facing different downstream tasks that may involve spe- cific instruction distributions. A diverse dataset for one task might not effectively cover the instruction distribution for another. Furthermore, the definition of “complex” instructions can be subjective and vary across tasks. To complicate matters further, an LLM might excel at some seemingly complex in- structions while struggling with others that appear simple according to human-crafted criteria. These limitations underscore the need for a unified data synthesis framework that can generate tailored data to align LLMs on specific downstream tasks.
In this work, we present a novel framework, CodecLM, which systematically generates tailored high-quality data to align LLMs for different down- stream tasks. A high-level overview of CodecLM is shown in Figure 1. Inspired by the principles of Encode-Decode process (Kramer, 1991; Kingma and Welling, 2013), we leverage a strong LLM as a codec to “encode” seed instructions from our target task into instruction metadata and then “decode” the metadata into tailored synthetic instructions. The metadata serves as a word-level abstraction of the input instruction distribution, including the use case and skills for effective instruction following. It can be automatically generated by encoding seed instructions, or directly provided by users with a high-level anticipation of the downstream task.
Once the metadata is extracted, we then “decode” them to generate tailored instructions. We begin by prompting a LLM with the metadata as con- straints, creating basic instructions. To elevate the instruction quality, we introduce Self-Rubrics. It samples appropriate actions from strong LLMs to make the basic instruction more complex or chal- lenging based on the rubrics it generates for differ- ent metadata. Intuitively, a general knowledge QA instruction about math would differ in complexity rubrics from one in creative writing about sports. With self-generated rubrics and actions based on metadata, the strong LLM crafts instructions that better align the target LLM with specific knowl- edge required for the downstream task. We can run Self-Rubrics iteratively to control the instruction complexity, similar to Xu et al. (2023), and finally generate the corresponding responses.
We also introduce Contrastive Filtering during decoding to further identify the most effective instruction-response pairs by leveraging the qual- ity discrepancy between the target and a stronger LLM. This strategy identifies two key instruction sets: (a) those the target LLM struggles with, push- ing it to improve in its weak areas for more signif- icant gains, and (b) those the target LLM excels at, feeding them back into the Self-Rubrics process for improved data efficiency. Contrastive Filtering serves as a response-level analogy of contrastive decoding (Li et al., 2022).
CodecLM sets a new state-of-the-art on four open-domain instruction-following benchmarks with various LLM choices, demonstrating its effec- tiveness in LLM alignment for diverse instruction distributions.
Instruction Tuning for LLM Alignment. Tun- ing LLM to faithfully follow instructions and align with diverse human preferences remains a signif- icant challenge (Efrat and Levy, 2020). Early re- search primarily focused on cross-task generaliza- tion, where models were fine-tuned on various pub- lic NLP datasets to improve performance on diverse tasks (Raffel et al., 2020; Wei et al., 2021; Aribandi et al., 2021; Victor et al., 2022; Chung et al., 2022). More recently, researchers have extended instruction tuning to open-domains, characterized by a wider range of formats and task types. This shift has been driven by crowdsourcing human- generated instruction-response pairs (Ouyang et al., 2022; Köpf et al., 2023; Zhou et al., 2023a) and LLM-generated data (Taori et al., 2023; Chiang et al., 2023). Unlike prior work, CodecLM presents a unique approach for tailoring synthetic data to specific downstream tasks without human annota- tion, utilizing the concept of instruction metadata. Data Generation for Instruction Tuning. To ad- dress the high cost of human annotation for high- quality instruction-response pairs, several studies advocate for automating the data generation pro- cess (Schick and Schütze, 2021; Liu et al., 2022; Meng et al., 2023). Leveraging the in-context learn- ing (Brown et al., 2020) ability of LLMs, Wang et al. (2022); Honovich et al. (2022) prompt LLMs with seed instructions to generate synthetic ones. These are then fed to stronger LLMs, e.g., Chat- GPT, to generate responses for training the target (often smaller) LLM (Taori et al., 2023). As a representative work, WizardLM (Xu et al., 2023), designs a fixed set of human-crafted operations to increase complexity of instructions and control dif- ficulty of generated data. Zhao et al. (2023); Zhou et al. (2023a) further confirm the importance of instruction complexity for LLM alignment through empirical studies. Different from these works that rely on pre-defined rules without considering the downstream tasks, CodecLM enables automati- cally tailoring instructions for different downstream tasks and target LLMs. We also introduce Self- Rubrics and Contrastive Filtering to further identify the most effective instruction-response pairs. Distillation. Alternatively, tuning the target LLM with responses generated from another LLM can be viewed as knowledge distillation (Hinton et al., 2015; Beyer et al., 2022). However, our focus remains on instruction generation, while still being flexible to readily integrate with existing distillation techniques (Hsieh et al., 2023; Liang et al., 2023). Finally, we discuss some of the most relevant recent work. AttrPrompt (Yu et al., 2023) leverages LLM as attributed data generator by extracting at- tributes within instructions. However, it focuses solely on classification tasks and requires human intervention for attribute selection. In contrast, our work focuses on the broader context of aligning LLMs to follow open-domain instructions, elim- inating the need for human efforts. MSP (Chen et al., 2023a) utilizes trainable soft prompts to control generation, but requires gradient access to the LLM. Our method, on the other hand, is readily compatible with black-box LLMs that only offer API access for high-quality data generation. SteerLM (Dong et al., 2023) analyzes quality- related aspects of responses, instead of the instruc- tions, to capture human preference. Therefore, SteerLM can be used alongside CodecLM as a parallel approach for enhancing response quality.
We study the open-domain instruction following problem (Wang et al., 2022; Taori et al., 2023; Xu et al., 2023), where instructions vary in input for- mat and tasks. Specifically, we consider two practi- cal scenarios: (1) Starting with a given set of n seed instructions Ds = {Ii}n i=1, each drawn from some underlying distribution PI . For our experiments, we create a set of seed instructions using a held-out validation set. Practically, such instructions can be collected from the usage traffic of users. (2) In the absence of seed instructions, but with prior knowledge of downstream tasks, we directly start with a given set of instruction metadata M (see Section 4.1 for definition). The latter scenario is especially useful for end users who lack existing instruction data but wish to jumpstart LLM tailored to specific applications, similar to the concept of GPTs (OpenAI, 2023b).
We focus on the first scenario for clarity, though the second can be derived similarly by leveraging an LLM as the encoder (Section 4.1). Our goal is to generate a set of high-quality instruction-response pairs Dg = {(I ′ j=1, using a strong LLM fs, and then use Dg to fine-tune the target LLM ft. We evaluate the performance of the fine-tuned LLM ft on test instructions from the target distribution PI , to which we are aligning.
j, R′
4 CodecLM
We propose CodecLM, a general framework for generating high-quality instruction-response pairs tailored to different downstream tasks and LLMs, eliminating the need for human annotation. See Figure 2 for method overview.
4.1 LLM as Codec for Instructions
In this section, we introduce the concept of using a strong LLM as a codec, i.e., both encoder and decoder, for instruction generation.
LLM as Encoder with Instruction Metadata. We begin by encoding the given seed instructions Ds = {Ii}n i=1 into instruction metadata M, i.e., keywords that capture the underlying target instruc- tion distribution. Inspired by the task pool by Wang et al. (2022) and the post-hoc analysis on skill dis- tribution by Xu et al. (2023), we define the meta- data as encompassing two key aspects: use case and skills. Use case describes the intended task (e.g., question answering or creative writing), while Skills are the knowledge the LLM required to have to successfully respond to the given instruction (e.g., algorithms or communication). Skills are often generalizable to different use cases. There- fore, each instruction has a single use case and may involve multiple skills. To extract this meta- data, we leverage the strong LLM fs following
Figure 2: Overview of the proposed CodecLM. First, the strong LLM fs encodes the seed instruction into instruction metadata, specifying its use case and skills required for responses. Next, fs decodes metadata into basic instructions. Meanwhile, Self-Rubrics leverages fs to generate rubrics and actions to improve the basic instruction, tailoring them for the downstream task. Finally, Contrastive Filtering uses a scoring function S to compares fs and ft’s responses. The most effective pairs are selected for aligning the LLM, while less effective instructions are sent for further improvement. In this figure, the strong LLM’s response is winning against the target one’s, so we select the corresponding pair for instruction tuning the target LLM.
the prompt template in Figure 7, Appendix A.9. While richer definitions are possible based on finer- grained instruction-following metrics (Zhou et al., 2023b), we prioritize use case and skills for their broad applicability across diverse instruction dis- tributions. Future work can explore extending this metadata further.
For each instruction Ii, we extract the corre- sponding use case ui and set of skills si. We then have the set of metadata as M = {(ui, si)}n i=1. Instructions may share or partially overlap in their ui’s and si, reflecting the distribution of tasks and capabilities within the seed instructions. Use cases and skills are generated on-the-fly, not limited to some predefined sets, enabling broader applicabil- ity. However, we can always provide such con- straints with our prior knowledge, or even directly write out metadata without any seed instructions.
LLM as Decoder for Instruction Generation. Given the metadata M, we decode metadata into synthetic instructions, following a generation and tailoring paradigm. For each use case and skills pair in M, we list them as constraints to prompt the strong LLM fs to generate multiple instruc- tions. Therefore, the generated instructions are for the given use case, and require the given skills to be responded. Moreover, to prevent the LLM from generating repetitive instructions, we encour- age its generation to be diverse in the prompt, and do not provide any demonstrations that the LLM might copy from. The example prompt template
for generating basic instructions is in Figure 8, Ap- pendix A.9. Continuing the decoding process, we then tailor the basic instructions for more effective alignment through Self-Rubrics (Section 4.2) and Contrastive Filtering (Section 4.3).
Instruction Tailoring via Self-Rubrics
Metadata-conditioned instructions lay the ground- work for aligning the target LLM to desired tasks. Studies suggest that more complex instructions can improve alignment performance (Xu et al., 2023; Zhao et al., 2023). A common practice is to involve human experts crafting general guidance to com- plicate instructions, such as adding reasoning steps or constraints. However, this one-size-fits-all strat- egy falls short for diverse instructions. Tailoring guidance to different tasks, like solving calculus problems versus writing news articles, requires dis- tinct approaches.
Therefore, we introduce Self-Rubrics, which leverages the strong LLM to tailor instructions by adjusting their complexity according to the ex- tracted metadata. Self-Rubrics first guides the LLM to generate metadata-specific rubrics for assessing instruction complexity. Then, informed by these rubrics, the LLM generates a corresponding set of actions to enhance the instruction’s complexity. For metadata (ui, si), the corresponding set of gener- ated actions is ai. Our generated actions are more domain-specific, and unambiguous than generic rules crafted by human, making the complicated
Role-PlayStory-TellingSkills…Creative WritingUse caseInstruction MetadataQuality Gap Target LLMResponse ScorerStrong LLMInstruction needs improvement!Instruction
TuningAs a superhero, how would you explain your origin story to a curious child?Write a story about a person who is given a second chance at life after dying.A group of people is given a second at life, they quickly realize that they are all different …Introduce additional characters with unique personalities, backgrounds, and motivatioSeed InstructionBasic InstructionImproved InstructionUpon being revived, a group of people given a second chance at life … Describe their journeFinal InstructionIn the shadowed realm where souls lingered, Kai awoke to a symphony of whispers. Another cloaked figure spoke, “I am …”Winning ResponseStrong LLM
ResponseTarget LLM ResponseRubrics & ActionsLLM as EncoderSelf-RubricsContrastive FilteringLLM as Decoderinstructions better tailored towards the target distri- bution captured by the metadata. For example, for the use case of “business plan development” and skills of “market research and planning”, generic rules like “add reasoning steps” is vague and inap- propriate. On the contrary, Self-Rubrics is able to generate actions like “add SWOT analyisis” and “include comparison with market competitors” (see Appendix A.8 for the full details) to complicate the instruction. The prompt template to generate rubrics and actions for instruction improvement is shown in Figure 9, Appendix A.9. With the obtained actions {ai}n
i=1, we can iter- atively prompt fs to complicate the basic instruc- tions, following the prompt template in Figure 10. We randomly sample an action ai from the multiple actions generated for a pair of use case and skills. This design choice not only enables controlled com- plexity (Xu et al., 2023), but also prevents potential confusion between different actions for the LLM.
Instruction Selection via Contrastive Filtering
While Self-Rubrics tailors complex instructions based on instruction metadata, not all instructions are equally effective for instruction tuning, regard- less of their complexity (Chen et al., 2023b; Zhou et al., 2023a). Intuitively, exposing the target LLM to instructions it finds challenging can effectively identify its areas for improvement. Therefore, it is crucial to select the most impactful instructions for aligning the target LLM.
We therefore introduce Contrastive Filtering, a method to select the instructions that can effec- tively enhance the target LLM ft. For clarity, we define the space of all natural language sequences as N . We have the strong LLM fs : N → N , the target LLM ft : N → N , and a scoring function S : N → R to evaluate response quality. In prac- tice, S is obtained by reusing the strong LLM fs with a prompt template (Figure 11, Appendix A.9) adapted from the Vicuna pairwise evaluation tem- plate (Taori et al., 2023; Chiang et al., 2023). To mitigate potential position bias, we average the scores obtained by exchanging the positions of two responses (Chiang et al., 2023). We observe using fs for scoring works quite well in practice, so we prioritize this option for simplicity. Given an in- put instruction I ∈ N , we obtain responses from both LLMs as fs(I) and ft(I), respectively. We then define the quality gap G : N → R between these responses to estimate the effectiveness of the
instruction: G(I) = S(fs(I)) − S(ft(I)).
The quality gap metric G reflects how much the target LLM benefits from the strong LLM for each instruction I. As demonstrated in Figure 2, here are two possible cases: (1) | G(I) | > θ, where θ ∈ R is a certain threshold. This indicates that: Either the strong LLM has a much better response than the target LLM, we add (I, fs(I)) to our high- quality instruction-response pool Dg to fill the gap; Or rarely, the target LLM gives much better re- sponse than the strong LLM, we add (I, ft(I)) to Dg as as an implicit regularization to keep the target LLM’s desirable behavior to certain instructions. (2) | G(I) | ≤ θ, where the quality of responses from both LLMs is similar, so learning from I does not lead to much gain. We then send I to the next Self-Rubrics iteration for further improvement. |
Contrastive Filtering complements Self-Rubrics to select effective instruction-response pairs by cal- ibrating the target LLM’s instruction-following ca- pability with the strong LLM’s. Analogous to Con- strastive Decoding (Li et al., 2022) at response- level, Contrastive Filtering can also be regarded as LLM-feedback (Madaan et al., 2023) with the in- teraction of two LLMs. While we adopt the strong LLM as scoring function to measure the quality gap, our framework can be compatible with and potentially benefit from the advances in more reli- able and comprehensive scoring and feedback sys- tems (Lee et al., 2023), and we leave it as promising future work.
5 Experiments
We conduct comprehensive experiments to evalu- ate CodecLM using different LLMs on multiple representative benchmarks, closely following well- established evaluation settings for open-domain instruction following in prior work (Xu et al., 2023; Chen et al., 2023b). We also conduct a case study in Appendix A.8 to illustrate how CodecLM tailors an instruction step by step.
5.1 Evaluation Benchmarks
We evaluate CodecLM on four widely-used open- domain instruction-following benchmarks with di- verse instruction distributions to reduce evalua- tion bias. Our test benchmarks include Evol- Instruct (Xu et al., 2023), Vicuna (Chiang et al., 2023), Self-Instruct (Wang et al., 2022) and Koala (Geng et al., 2023). To complement the evaluation, we also evaluate on two standard NLP
benchmarks MMLU (Hendrycks et al., 2020) and BBH (Suzgun et al., 2022) in Appendix A.7. Please refer to Appendix A.1 for benchmark details.
5.2 Baseline Methods
We compare our method against state-of-the-art data generation approaches for instruction tun- ing. For fair comparison, we provide all methods the same LLM backbones when possible. More- over, we control the number of instruction-response pairs the same for all methods to ablate the effect of data quantity. Baseline methods include Self- Instruct (Wang et al., 2022), Alpagasus (Chen et al., 2023b), Tree-Instruct, WizardLM (Xu et al., 2023), and WizardLM+, an enhanced ver- sion of WizardLM using the same basic instruc- tions generated from CodecLM as seed instructions. Baseline details are presented in Appendix A.2.
5.3 Experiment and Evaluation Details
LLM Backbones. We adopt LLaMA-based (Tou- vron et al., 2023) and PaLM-based (Anil et al., 2023) LLMs as our target LLMs in our experi- ments. For LLaMA-based target LLMs, we use Gemini-Pro (Team et al., 2023) as the strong LLM, and LLaMA-7B, -13B as the target LLMs. For PaLM-based target LLMs, we use text-unicorn as the strong LLM, and text-bison as the target LLM. PaLM-based models and Gemini-Pro are accessi- ble through Google Cloud API1. Implementation Details of CodecLM. We split all benchmarks into 20% validation set and 80% evalu- ation set. We extract the instruction metadata from the validation set, see Appendix A.3 for more de- tails. Depending on the specified total data size, we prompt the strong LLM to generate equal number of base instruction per metadata. We generate 500- 8000 synthetic data throughout the experiments. We generate 4 rubrics and corresponding actions. At each iteration, we randomly choose 1 action for improving instruction. We run Self-Rubrics at most 4 iterations. For Contrastive Filtering, We set the scoring scale to 10 and the filtering thresh- old to 3 for all experiments. We align these con- figurations with Xu et al. (2023) and leave more detailed rationales of these configurations, addi- tional hyperparameter settings, and training details in Appendix A.3-A.4. Evaluation. Assessing how well LLMs follow in- structions is complex, arising from the fact that
an instruction has various valid responses, and the challenge of replicating human evaluation. Recent advances in automatic evaluation on instruction fol- lowing (Dubois et al., 2023; Zheng et al., 2023) demonstrate that LLM-based evaluators are scal- able, explainable, and consistent with human eval- uations. Therefore, we adopt widely-used Vicuna pairwise evaluator (Chiang et al., 2023) based on ChatGPT to compare the response quality from two LLMs for its accessibility in price and efficiency. The evaluation prompt template is in Figure 12, Appendix A.9. We include GPT-4 based evalua- tion results in Appendix A.6 to demonstrate the consistency of LLM-based evaluators. To mitigate position bias that the LLM evaluator may have, we conduct every evaluation twice by exchanging re- sponse orders. A response is considered better only if it wins twice. Following (Chen et al., 2023b), we set the temperature to 0.0 to reduce evaluation randomness, and left other parameters as default.
Similar to prior work (Xu et al., 2023; Zhao et al., 2023), we compute the total ratio of wins and ties of a target LLM against the strong LLM, to indicate how much model capacity the target LLM recovers from the strong LLM (often treated as the upper bound performer). CRR simplifies the combinato- rial pairwise comparisons between all target LLMs. We name the metric as Capacity Recovery Ratio (CRR), where CRR = total comparisons . In exper- iments, we observe that the number of ties often dominates the number of wins, since the strong LLM is much capable than the target model. So we do not put additional weights on wins in the calcula- tion. To demonstrate CRR faithfully reflects model performance, we show the exact number of wins, ties and losses in Appendix A.5 on Evol-Instruct. We would like to emphasize our focus on the gap in CRR between different methods instead of the absolute value, since the absolute value may based on the specific LLM evaluator we choose.
5.4 Open-Domain Instruction Following
Results with LLaMA-based Target LLMs. Ta- ble 1 summarizes the performance of CodecLM and the comparing baselines with 2000 synthetic data for instruction tuning. All methods are trained on LLaMA-7B or -13B as the target LLM and com- pared against Gemini-Pro, the strong LLM that gen- erates the data. CodecLM outperforms comparing methods consistently on all benchmarks, with two target LLMs of different sizes. The consistently superior performance of CodecLM highlights its
Table 1: Results with LLaMA-based target models on four open-domain instruction following benchmarks. Each method trains a target model based on LLaMA-7B or -13B, and compares against the strong model, Gemini-Pro. The reported metric Capacity Recovery Ratio (%), CRR = total comparisons . Larger CRR means better performance.
LLaMA-7B vs. Gemini-Pro
LLaMA-13B vs. Gemini-Pro
Self-Instruct Alpagasus Tree-Instruct WizardLM WizardLM+ CodecLM (ours)
72.02 75.23 (+3.2) 75.23 (+3.2) 74.31 (+2.3) 75.69 (+3.7) 79.82 (+7.8)
81.25 81.25 (+0.0) 81.25 (+0.0) 76.25 (-5.0) 83.75 (+2.5) 88.75 (+7.5)
67.78 71.11 (+3.3) 72.78 (+5.0) 65.56 (-2.2) 68.33 (+0.6) 74.44 (+6.7)
65.87 70.24 (+4.4) 68.65 (+2.8) 71.43 (+5.6) 72.22 (+6.4) 78.17 (+12.3)
75.69 79.82 (+4.1) 82.57 (+6.9) 82.11 (+6.4) 84.40 (+8.7) 86.70 (+11.0)
86.25 87.50 (+1.3) 87.50 (+1.3) 86.25 (+0.0) 88.75 (+2.5) 90.00 (+3.8)
77.22 77.78 (+0.6) 80.56 (+3.3) 78.89 (+1.7) 81.11 (+3.9) 82.22 (+5.0)
69.05 71.03 (+2.0) 79.37 (+10.3) 76.19 (+7.1) 79.76 (+10.7) 83.33 (+14.3)
Table 2: CRR Results on PaLM-based models. Each method trains a target model based on text-bison, and compares against the strong model, text-unicorn.
Table 3: Ablation study of CodecLM’s core designs. All components contribute to the final performance.
Self-Rubrics Contrastive Filtering
text-bison vs. text-unicorn
text-bison 82.11(-5.1) 81.25 (+0.0) 67.86 (-6.4) 73.33 (-4.1) Alpagasus WizardLM+ 84.40 (-2.8) 78.75 (-2.5) 69.44 (-4.8) 73.89 (-3.6) CodecLM (ours) 88.53 (+1.4) 86.25 (+5.0) 72.22 (-2.0) 80.56 (+3.1)
generalizability to different downstream instruction distributions and target LLMs. Both Tree-Instruct and variants of WizardLM focus on the importance of instruction complexity, however, their perfor- mances are not always better than Alpagasus with simple instructions, especially with larger target LLM. This observation indicates that the effec- tiveness of data cannot be solely determined by instruction complexity, and validates the motiva- tion of our design of Self-Rubrics and Contrastive Filtering. Moreover, the win of WizardLM+ over WizardLM confirms the efficacy of instruction dis- tribution matching via instruction metadata. When shifting the target LLM from LLaMA-7B to -13B, all methods get a significant performance boost, which accords with prior discoveries on scaling model size (Wei et al., 2021). Results with PaLM-based Models. Table 2 sum- marizes the results of CodecLM and the best per- forming baselines in LLaMA-based experiments. We generate 1000 synthetic data due to computa- tion budget. Since text-bison is a proprietary model that has been aligned with various techniques in- cluding instruction tuning, we also include it as a baseline approach. Interestingly, text-bison obtains strong performance across different benchmarks. Both Alpagasus and WizardLM+ underperform text-bison, suggesting it is non-trivial to improve upon a well-tuned LLM continually. CodecLM, on the contrary, outperforms text-bison in most cases, thanks to our core designs that adaptively tailor high quality data pairs to improve the target LLM.
✗ ✓ ✓ ✓
✗ ✗ ✓ ✓
✗ ✗ ✗ ✓
72.02 75.23 77.52 79.82
5.5 Ablation Study
In this section, we conduct comprehensive ablation studies to empirically explore the effectiveness of CodecLM. We mainly conduct experiments with LLaMA-7B model as the target LLM, Gemini-Pro as the strong LLM, and report the CRR on the Evol-Instruct benchmark. Effectiveness of Core Designs. We show component-wise contributions in our framework in Table 3. The 1st row has the result from Self- Instruct as a baseline; In the 2nd row, we only align the LLM with basic instructions from instruction metadata; We gradually add Self-Rubrics and Con- trastive Filtering in the 3rd and 4th rows, respec- tively. We clearly observe that every component contributes to the final performance. Interesting, the performance of using basic instructions from metadata is even on par with that of WizardLM+ in Table 1. This observation indicates that human- crafted strategies for complicating instructions may not fit different types of instructions. On the con- trary, Self-Rubrics adaptively generates instruction improving actions based on different metadata, re- sulting in better tailored instructions for the target LLM. Further improvements from Contrastive Fil- tering demonstrate that selected data are indeed more effective for alignment. Effect of Number of Iterations. We demonstrate the effect of number of CodecLM iterations in Fig- ure 3. In particular, we count the proportion of data from each iteration in all synthesized data Dg and show it in the blue bar chart with left y- axis. We also draw the target model performance in CRR after training on the synthetic data up un-
Figure 3: Data proportion from each iteration and the corresponding CRR performance at each iteration.
Figure 4: Metadata matching proportion vs. CRR.
til the current iteration in the yellow line chart with right y-axis. From the data proportion bar chart, we observe that more than 70% of the data comes from the first iteration. This indicates Con- trastive Filtering successfully collects less complex yet challenging instructions, which are critical for building up the instruction-following ability of the target LLM. Starting from the second iteration, the data proportion gets increasingly small. However, similar to the less is more for alignment observa- tion (Zhou et al., 2023a), high-quality and more complex instructions indeed contribute to the final performance despite less in quantity. Exploration on Distribution Matching. As shown by previous results, generating metadata extracted from the downstream instruction distri- bution indeed helps. However, in practice, the ex- tracted or human-written metadata may not be able to precisely characterize the instruction distribu- tion. Therefore, it is necessary to explore the per- formance of CodecLM when the distribution repre- sented by instruction metadata does not fully match the test distribution. As the true test distribution is complicated and not known as a prior, we approx- imate various extent of distribution matching by random subsampling from the set of metadata M. To control the effect of data quantity, we keep the total number of instruction-response pairs the same for each case. For example, when subsampling 20% of M, we prompt the strong LLM to gener- ate 5 times more instructions for each metadata accordingly. The result is shown in the upper part of Figure 4, and we did observe the trend that the better instruction metadata captures the underlying distribution, the better performance the target LLM can achieve. Moreover, when the metadata match-
Figure 5: Scaling with model size and data quantity.
ing proportion is equal or greater than 60%, we ob- tain close performance as the fully-matched result. This observation highlights CodecLM’s robustness under potential instruction metadata mismatch.
Scaling with Model Size and Data Quantity. To explore how our method scales with different synthetic data quantities and model sizes, we con- duct experiments by comparing CodecLM with WizardLM+, the most competitive baseline. The experiment results on Evol-Instruct with LLaMA- 7B and -13B as the target LLM are presented in Figure 5. Both methods get increasingly better per- formance with more synthetic data and larger target models. CodecLM consistently outperforms Wiz- ardLM+ under all cases, demonstrating its great data efficiency and scalability. We expect the gain will gradually diminish after we generate more than 8k synthetic data, due to the intrinsic ability gap between the target models and the strong LLM.
6 Conclusion
In this work, we propose CodecLM to tailor syn- thetic data for LLM alignment with different tar- get instruction distributions and LLMs. We show that CodecLM effectively captures the underlying instruction distribution via instruction metadata, and further tailor the most effective instruction- response pairs through Self-Rubrics and Con- trastive Filtering. CodecLM provides a potent solu- tion towards adapting LLMs for customized uses, without the necessity of human annotation. We be- lieve CodecLM serves as a general framework for targeted LLM alignment, which opens the door to multiple promising research directions within the framework, such as richer metadata definition, bet- ter prompt design, and more reliable LLM-based scorer. CodecLM can also benefit from orthogonal research fields, and we continue the discussion in Ethical Considerations and Limitations sections.
1234Iteration01020304050607080Data Proportion (%)757677787980Capacity Recovery Ratio (%)2030405060708090100Metadata Matching Proportion (%)77787980CRR (%)0.51248Generated Data Size (x103)657075808590Capacity Recovery Ratio (%)CodecLM 13BCodecLM 7BWizardLM+ 13BWizardLM+ 7BEthical Considerations
Although CodecLM serves as an effective data syn- thesis framework for LLM alignment, we should also reflect on the ethical impact of our work. Our method leverages LLMs to generate instruction- response pairs. Similar to human annotators who might make unconscious mistakes during the data annotation process, LLMs also sometimes gener- ate unethical, toxic or misleading instructions and responses (Bender et al., 2021). Moreover, as we train a target LLM using the generated data, the resulting instruction-tuned LLM might also carry the bias and fairness issues (Gallegos et al., 2023) from the original model. Although we conducted manual inspection as specified in Appendix A.3, in practice, we should adopt existing techniques (Hanu and Unitary team, 2020; Thakur et al., 2023) to detoxify and mitigate bias from LLMs used in CodecLM, and design more strict inspection and filtering rules to clean up the generated data. Due to the flexibility of our framework, we envision future progress in the domain of reducing bias and fairness issues can be complementary to CodecLM.
We acknowledge the limitations of CodecLM from the following aspects to inspire future research op- portunities in the field of LLM alignment.
First of all, as discussed in the Ethical Con- siderations, our method requires a strong LLM to generate the data, so the performance of our method depends on the quality of the LLM and may inherit bias and fairness issues from it. On the other hand, CodecLM can benefit from stronger LLMs improved with advanced bias-reducing and fairness-enhancing approaches.
Secondly, as an orthogonal direction, our method did not explore robustness of the instruction-tuned model towards adversarial attacks such as prompt injection (Liu et al., 2023) and jailbreaking (Zou et al., 2023). In practice, we should apply adver- sarial defense techniques (Jain et al., 2023) ac- cordingly to the instruction-tuned LLM from our method.
Moreover, we mainly use LLM-based automatic evaluation methods following recent works in data synthesis for alignment. Although recent stud- ies (Chiang et al., 2023; Dubois et al., 2023) demon- strate LLM-based evaluation is largely consistent with human evaluation, the scalability and relia- bility of LLM-based evaluators still have room for
improvements. Although we include some standard benchmark results in Appendix A.7 to complement LLM-based evaluation results, we still believe the progress in better evaluating LLMs can lead to a more reliable demonstration of the effectiveness of our method.
Finally, as shown in Section 5.5, although Code- cLM is robust to moderate distribution mismatch, its performance still depends on how well the meta- data captures the underlying instruction distribu- tion. In practice, our collected seed instruction might differ from the actual test instructions. Or in the case that we directly create metadata from user specification, the users might change their mind at test time to send the model out-of-distribution instructions beyond the original metadata. As a consequence, CodecLM may suffer performance degradation under distribution mismatch. As a rem- edy, we can constantly collect user instruction traf- fic or user feedback to update the generated data from CodecLM, and continuously update the target LLM.
We hope future work can leverage CodecLM as a flexible data synthesis framework for LLM align- ment, so that advances in the field can be integrated into CodecLM to reduce its current limitations.
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A Appendix
A.1 Benchmark Details
The details of the open-instruction following bench- marks are included below:
• Evol-Instruct (Xu et al., 2023) includes 218 real-world human instructions from diverse sources such as online open-source projects, platforms, and forums.
• Vicuna (Chiang et al., 2023) includes 80 di- verse instructions generated by GPT-4 through prompt engineering.
• Self-Instruct (Wang et al., 2022) includes 252 expert-written instructions motivated by user- oriented applications.
• Koala (Geng et al., 2023) includes 180 conversation-style real user instructions that were posted online.
All these benchmarks consist of English instruc- tions from multiple categories or tasks. However, though sharing some common use cases such as general knowledge QA and coding, the coverage of the instructions in different benchmarks are indeed different. For example, Xu et al. (2023) discuss in detail how Evol-Instruct is different from Vicuna in instruction distribution. The difference between instruction distributions effectively mimic the prac- tical scenario where we have different downstream tasks.
The details of the additional standard NLP
benchmarks are included below:
• MMLU (Hendrycks et al., 2020), Massive Multitask Language Understanding, is a benchmark designed to measure capability of language models. It covers 57 subjects across STEM, the humanities, the social sciences, and more areas. We only use the test split for reporting the test results, and report the average score across all tasks.
• BBH (Suzgun et al., 2022), BIG-Bench-Hard, includes 23 challenging BIG-Bench tasks that prior language models did not outperform av- erage human-raters.
All benchmarks are publicly available for non- commercial research purposes, and we strictly limit their usage in this research work. We also carefully check these datasets and make sure that no personal information is involved.
A.2 Baseline Details
Self-Instruct (Wang et al., 2022) generates instruc- tions by prompting LLM with existing seed in- structions as few-shot demonstrations. Here we randomly subsample the Alpaca (Taori et al., 2023) dataset as seed instructions. Since Alpaca itself is based on Self-Instruct, using its subset as seed is a natural continuation of the Self-Instruct method. Alpagasus (Chen et al., 2023b) selectively filters data using ChatGPT-based response quality evalu- ator. Closely following the original approach, we adopt the strategy upon instruction-response pairs generated by Self-Instruct. Tree-Instruct (Zhao et al., 2023) improves instruc- tion quality by prompting the LLM to implicitly complicate instruction through its semantic tree. Following the original paper, we use the subsam- pled Alpaca dataset as seed data. We set the number of tree nodes to 10 for best possible performance. WizardLM (Xu et al., 2023) iteratively compli- cates instructions by prompting the LLM with a set of pre-defined evolution operations. Given the pop- ularity and effectiveness of WizardLM, we experi- ment it with two variants: the original version using Alpaca as seed data, and the enhanced version uses the same set of basic instructions generated from CodecLM as seed data. We name the later variant as WizardLM+ as its enhanced by components of our framework.
A.3 Additional Implementation Details
We augment the metadata to 200 by mix-and- matching use cases and skills from different in- structions. We randomly sample one use case from {ui}n i=1, and pair it with one or more skills sampled without replacement from (cid:83)n i=1 si. Although most skills are generalizable between use cases, we still conduct manual sanity check to exclude unreason- able use case and skills pairs. We align our hyper- parameters for iteratively improving instructions via Self-Rubrics with prior work (Xu et al., 2023): We generate 4 rubrics and corresponding actions, and at each iteration, we randomly choose 1 action for improving instruction. For fair comparison with WizardLM, we also use at most 4 improve itera- tions for each instruction (we count basic prompt generation as the first iteration). For Contrastive Filtering, we always use the strong LLM itself as the scorer. We set the scoring scale to 10 and the filtering threshold to 3 for all experiments. We obtain the threshold by developing on the AlpacaE-
val (Dubois et al., 2023) dataset. And we find this threshold works generally well across different set- tings. Moreover, for LLaMA-based models, using their Alpaca (Taori et al., 2023) counterparts as the target LLM for response generation in Contrastive Filtering works better than the original model that is not instruction tuned. For metadata extraction, base instruction generation and Self-Rubrics, we use a inference temperature of 0.7. We set the max- imum number of tokens for generation to 2048 for LLaMA-based models, and 1024 for PaLM-based models due to API constraints. Moreover, although we set aside 20% validation set for metadata ex- traction, we still report the performance on the full test set in the main paper, the reasons are as fol- lows: (1) We observe removing the validation set from the full test benchmark will not change the relative superior performance of our method, the performance gap between our method and base- lines remains almost the same. Therefore, we keep them in for better reproducibility. (2) By carefully checking the generated instructions, we notice that none of the generated instructions overlap with the original validation instructions, so no data leaking happens during the data generation process.
We conduct manual inspection on the generated data to make sure no personal information or offen- sive contents are generated.
A.4 Training Details
For LLaMA-based models, we follow the practices in instruction tuning in prior works (Zhou et al., 2023a; Chen et al., 2023b). We use AdamW op- timizer with β1 = 0.9, β2 = 0.95 to finetune the target model for 15 epochs, as suggested by Zhou et al. (2023a) for smaller data size. We set the ini- tial learning rate to 1 × 10−5 and linearly decaying to 1 × 10−6 by the end of training. We set per GPU batch size to 8, which is equivalent to a total batch size of 64, as we use 8 A100 GPUs for training. The maximum token length is set to 2048.
For PaLM-based models, we follow the default instruction tuning setting on Google Cloud’s LLM tuning web UI. We set the number of tuning steps to 2000, the learning rate multiplier to 1, and use the TPU training option.
A.5 Detailed Comparison Results
We show the details of pairwise comparison on Evol-Instruct benchmark with LLaMA-based mod- els, as a demonstration of how CRR faithfully re- flects the capability of the target LLMs trained by
Table 4: Additional results on standard benchmarks.
BBH MMLU Average
LLaMA-7B Alpagasus WizardLM+ CodecLM (ours)
30.93 31.55 31.72 32.60
35.17 36.46 37.89 42.67
33.05 34.01 34.81 37.64
different methods. In Table 5, we observe that num- ber of ties dominates the results and the number of wins are scarce. We attribute it to the fact that the target model is essentially distilling knowledge from the strong model. As a result, most of the time, the instruction-tuned target model is only able to respond as good as the strong model, through the lens of the LLM-based evaluator.
A.6 Consistency between LLM-based
In the main paper, we use ChatGPT as the LLM judge for final evaluation, for its efficiency, price and accessibility for the community to reproduce our results. As pointed out in (Chiang et al., 2023), LLMs evaluators, although largely consistent with human preferences, may have their own biases. Therefore, to make sure our experimental results are solid, we also use GPT-4 as the judge and com- pare against the performance gap in CRR between different baselines and the Self-Instruct method. The comparison results in Table 6 demonstrates the agreement of two LLM-based judges and confirms the superior performance of CodecLM against com- paring methods.
A.7 Additional Benchmark Results
To complement the performance result using LLM- based automatic evaluator, we also evaluate LLMs tuned with the top methods presented in Section 5.4 on standard NLP benchmarks, MMLU (Hendrycks et al., 2020) and BBH (Suzgun et al., 2022). We follow the same settings introduced in (Wang et al., 2023) without demonstrations or CoT (Wei et al., 2022) prompt for evaluating the target models based on LLaMA-7B. For our method, we follow the same setting as in Evol-Instruction benchmark evaluation. We present the evaluation results in Ta- ble 4 and use the performance of vanilla LLaMA- 7B as a reference. We observe the same perfor- mance ranking of all methods as that in Table 1 where we use LLM-based automatic evaluator. The consistency between two different evaluation ap- proaches indicates the reliability of LLM-based evaluator in terms of demonstrating relative perfor-
Table 5: Detailed comparison results with LLaMA-based models on Evol-Instruct benchmark. Each method trains a target model based on LLaMA-7B or -13B, and compares against the strong model, Gemini-Pro. Capacity Recovery Ratio (%), CRR =
wins+ties total comparisons .
Self-Instruct Alpagasus Tree-Instruct WizardLM WizardLM+ CodecLM (ours)
LLaMA-7B vs. Gemini-Pro
LLaMA-13B vs. Gemini-Pro
Wins Ties Losses CRR Wins Ties
Losses CRR
17 17 23 19 19 29
140 147 141 143 146 145
61 54 54 56 53 44
72.02 75.23 75.23 74.31 75.69 79.82
29 26 26 30 31 35
136 148 154 149 153 154
53 44 38 39 34 29
75.69 79.82 82.57 82.11 84.40 86.70
Table 6: Performance gap to Self-Instruct in terms of CRR on Evol-Instruct, evaluated by ChatGPT and GPT4, respectively. Each method trains a target model based on LLaMA-7B or -13B, and compares against the strong model, Gemini-Pro. We observe two LLM-based automatic evaluators yields consistent results.
Self-Instruct Alpagasus Tree-Instruct WizardLM WizardLM+ CodecLM (ours)
LLaMA-7B vs. Gemini-Pro
LLaMA-13B vs. Gemini-Pro
0.00 +3.21 +3.21 +2.29 +3.67 +7.80
0.00 +1.38 +2.29 +0.46 +2.29 +8.26
0.00 +4.13 +6.88 +6.42 +8.72 +11.01
0.00 +1.83 +4.59 +3.21 +5.50 +8.72
mance of competing methods.
A.8 Case Study
We present a case study in Figure 6 to show an it- erative tailoring process from instruction metadata to the final high-quality prompt. In practice, the iteration may terminate earlier by the Contrastive Filtering process. We observe that Self-Rubrics is able to tailor rubrics and actions according to the given metadata. Interestingly, the actions generated by LLM seems very domain-specific. For example, the SWOT analysis in the last action may even be hard for non-expert human annotators to come up with. Moreover, the colored texts in instructions demonstrate that LLM is able to follow the actions quite precisely to refine the instructions.
A.9 Prompt Templates for CodecLM
We present all prompt templates here in the ap- pendix for better reproducibility. In particular, we list the correspondence between prompt templates and their usages as follows for quick reference:
• Figure 7: Encoding instructions into metadata, including use case and transferable skills.
• Figure 8: Decoding instruction metadata into basic instructions that are relatively simple in structure.
• Figure 9: Generating rubrics to judge how challenging an instruction is, and actions to improve the instruction based on the given metadata.
• Figure 10: Improving the input instruction by
following one of the generated actions.
• Figure 11: Comparing the responses quality from the target and strong LLMs. Adapted from the Vicuna-style pairwise comparison prompt by removing the explanation part.
• Figure 12: Automatic evaluation using LLM (e.g., ChatGPT, GPT-4) as the judge. Follow- ing the templates in (Chiang et al., 2023; Chen et al., 2023b)
All prompts are zero-shot except for the first en- coding prompt in Figure 7, which utilizes few-shot demonstrations to showcase the LLM a rough gran- ularity of the task and skills. Also, we choose these prompts as they work quite well in practice. And we believe recent prompt optimization tech- niques (Fernando et al., 2023; Yang et al., 2023) can be incorporated seamlessly into our framework, and we leave them as future work.
Figure 6: Case study on the instruction improvement process of CodecLM. Repetitive instructions are omitted to save space.
Iter. 1Iter. 2Iter. 3Develop a comprehensive marketing strategy for a B2B software company looking to increase its brand recognition and lead generation.Team management and organization: Instructions that require organizational structure and culture building are considered more challenging.Develop
to increase brand recognition and generate leads for a B2B software company, .a multifaceted marketing strategy that incorporates various middle-management-led departmentswhile also fostering a culture of innovation, customer satisfaction, and employee engagementDevelop a multifaceted marketing strategy … customer satisfaction, and employee engagement. .Analyze the target market and compare the marketing strategies of competitors to create a distinctive and effective approach that sets the company apart from its competitorsIter. 4Integrate a SWOT analysiswhile maximizing the strengths, minimizing the weaknesses, and capitalizing on opportunities while minimizing threats into a multifaceted marketing strategy … and effective approach that sets the company apart from its competitors, .RubricDevelop a more detailed organizational structure and emphasize company culture when possible.ActionMetadataFinancial projections: Instructions that require more precise and detailed financial estimates can be considered more complicated.RubricConduct a SWOT analysis and include it in the business plan.ActionCompetition evaluation: Instructions that necessitate a thorough evaluation of the competition can be considered more challenging.RubricInclude a comparison of the target market and competitors’ marketing strategies.ActionUse case: Business Plan DevelopmentSkills: Market Research; Planning; ManagementI want you to act as an instruction analyzer. Given an instruction, you should recognize its use case and the skills (or knowledge) required for a large language model (LLM) to answer the question. Generate the use case and skills required without any explanation. List at most 3 skills, each skill should be transferable, so that LLM can leverage them to answer similar questions. Avoid using “skill”, “knowledge” to describe a skill, and each skill should be concise (2-3 words). Follow the examples below to analyze the given instruction.
#Example 1# As a sports commentator, describe the winning play in the final seconds of a championship game. Use case: creative writing Skills: role-play, sports
#Example 2# How to read a large file (> 2T) using python? Task: code generation Skills: python
#Example 3# The method section of your paper is too brief and does not explain how your proposed model works in detail. How can you provide more details of the hierarchical encoder and the cascaded selectors, such as their architectures, inputs, outputs, and parameters? Task: general knowledge question answering Skills: academic writing, machine learning
Figure 7: Prompt template to encode the input into metadata, consisting of its use case and transferable skills.
I want you to act as an instruction writer. Your objective is to write
Use case of the instructions:
Generate the instructions without answering in numbered bulletin points.