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Model | Qwen Technical Reports

Model | Qwen Technical Reports

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Model | Qwen Technical Reports

  • Related Project: Private
  • Category: Paper Review
  • Date: 2023-12-05

Qwen Technical Report

  • url: https://arxiv.org/abs/2309.16609
  • pdf: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2309.16609
  • abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have revolutionized the field of artificial intelligence, enabling natural language processing tasks that were previously thought to be exclusive to humans. In this work, we introduce Qwen, the first instaTextGenerationLLMent of our large language model series. Qwen is a comprehensive language model series that encompasses distinct models with varying parameter counts. It includes Qwen, the base pretrained language models, and Qwen-Chat, the chat models finetuned with human alignment techniques. The base language models consistently demonstrate superior performance across a multitude of downstream tasks, and the chat models, particularly those trained using Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF), are highly competitive. The chat models possess advanced tool-use and planning capabilities for creating agent applications, showcasing impressive performance even when compared to bigger models on complex tasks like utilizing a code interpreter. Furthermore, we have developed coding-specialized models, Code-Qwen and Code-Qwen-Chat, as well as mathematics-focused models, Math-Qwen-Chat, which are built upon base language models. These models demonstrate significantly improved performance in comparison with open-source models, and slightly fall behind the proprietary models.



  1. 대규모 언어모델(LLMs) 개발과 응용 분야 확장.
  2. 데이터 다양성 및 광범위한 토크나이징 방식 적용.
  3. 구조적 혁신 및 성능 향상을 위한 전략적 훈련 방법 도입.

1 서론

대규모 언어모델(LLMs)은 인공지능 분야에서 복잡한 인퍼런스 및 문제 해결 작업에 기여합니다. 이 모델들은 다양한 응용 프로그램을 가능하게 하며, 자연어 대화, 창의적 콘텐츠 생성 등 휴먼과 유사한 작업을 수행할 수 있습니다. 또한, LLM은 코드 실행, 도구 사용 등 다양한 멀티모달 지시를 이해하고 실행할 수 있는 능력을 갖추고 있습니다. 이런 기능은 자동차, 로보틱스, 건강 관리, 금융 등 다양한 분야에서의 AI 활용을 가능하게 합니다.

2 사전 훈련

2.1 데이터

QWEN 모델의 사전 훈련을 위해, 최대 3조 토큰의 다양한 텍스트와 코드로 구성된 광범위한 데이터셋를 사용했습니다. 이 데이터는 고품질의 다양한 소스에서 추출되어 모델의 훈련에 사용됩니다. 품질 관리를 위해 HTML에서 텍스트를 추출하고, 언어 식별 도구를 사용하여 데이터를 정제합니다. 또한, 중복 제거, 낮은 품질의 데이터 필터링 등의 과정을 거쳐 데이터의 다양성과 질을 확보합니다.

2.2 토크나이징

QWEN 모델은 byte pair encoding(BPE) 방식을 사용하여 토크나이징을 수행합니다. 이 방식은 다양한 언어에서의 효율적인 훈련과 성능 향상을 도모합니다. 특히, 중국어와 다른 언어에 대해 보다 효과적인 토크나이징을 가능하게 하며, 훈련 및 인퍼런스의 효율성을 높입니다.

2.3 구조

QWEN은 Transformer 아키텍처의 변형을 사용합니다. 이는 입력 및 출력 투영의 분리, 위치 임베딩의 최적화, 그리고 바이어스의 조정 등을 포함합니다. 이런 구조적 개선은 모델의 성능과 정확도를 높이는 데 중요한 역할을 합니다.

2.4 훈련

QWEN의 훈련은 autoregressive 언어 모델링 방식을 따릅니다. 이 방식은 다음 토큰을 예측하여 모델이 텍스트의 맥락을 학습하도록 합니다. 최적화를 위해 AdamW 옵티마이저를 사용하며, learning rate scheduling을 통해 모델의 훈련을 관리합니다.

2.5 컨텍스트 길이 확장

Transformer 모델의 컨텍스트 길이를 확장하기 위해 NTK-aware interpolation과 같은 기술을 사용하여, 인퍼런스 시 모델의 컨텍스트 길이를 효과적으로 확장합니다. 이는 모델의 계산 효율성과 정확도를 보장하는 데 중요합니다.

2.6 실험 결과

QWEN 모델은 다양한 벤치마크 데이터셋에서 향상된 성능을 보여주며, 특히 zero-shot 및 few-shot 학습 능력에서 강력한 결과를 제시합니다. 이는 QWEN 모델이 다양한 언어 처리 작업에 유효함을 증명합니다.



3.1.1 데이터

QWEN 모델의 파인튜닝을 위해 다양한 대화 스타일로 주석이 달린 데이터셋을 사용했습니다. 이 데이터는 자연스러운 대화 생성을 목표로 하며, 모델이 다양한 시나리오에 일반화될 수 있도록 특정 프롬프트 템플릿을 배제했습니다. 또한, 안전성을 고려하여 관련 데이터를 주석 처리했습니다. 이런 접근 방식은 모델이 복잡한 대화 데이터를 효과적으로 처리하고 분석할 수 있도록 합니다.

3.1.2 훈련

파인튜닝 과정에서는 다음 토큰 예측을 훈련 과제로 적용했습니다. AdamW optimizer를 사용하며, 학습률, 배치 크기, 스텝 수 등의 하이퍼파라미터를 설정하여 효율적인 훈련을 진행했습니다.


SFT의 한계를 보완하기 위해 RLHF를 도입했습니다. 이 방법은 휴먼의 피드백에서 학습하는 보상 모델을 기반으로 정책 훈련을 수행합니다.

3.2.1 보상 모델

성공적인 보상 모델을 구축하기 위해 먼저 대규모 데이터셋에서 pre-training을 수행한 후, 높은 품질의 비교 데이터를 사용하여 파인튜닝을 진행합니다. 이 과정은 모델이 다양한 사용자 프롬프트에 따라 보상 모델을 조정할 수 있도록 합니다.

3.2.2 강화 학습

PPO 기법을 사용하여 정책 모델과 가치 모델을 훈련합니다. 이는 효과적인 샘플링 전략과 보상 정규화를 통해 훈련 안정성을 높이고, 보상을 빠르게 증가시켜 높은 평가 보상을 달성합니다.

3.3 자동 및 휴먼 평가

다양한 벤치마크를 사용하여 조정된 모델의 효과를 시험합니다. 특히, QWEN 모델은 다양한 데이터셋에서 우수한 성능을 보여주며, RLHF를 통해 더 휴먼에게 선호되는 반응을 생성할 수 있음을 입증합니다. 또한, 휴먼 평가를 통해 모델의 도움이 되는 정도, 정보 제공 능력 등을 평가하여, RLHF 모델이 SFT 모델보다 우수함을 보여줍니다.

수학적 인퍼런스 및 논증

강화 학습 과정에서는 다음과 같은 수학적 접근 방식을 사용합니다.

  1. 보상 함수의 정의와 최적화: 모델은 각 반응에 대해 얻은 보상을 최대화하도록 학습합니다. 보상은 휴먼의 선호도에 따라 결정되며, 이는 수학적으로 \(R = \sum_{t=1}^T \gamma^t r_t\)로 표현됩니다. \(R\)은 총 보상, \(\gamma\)는 할인율, \(r_t\)는 시간 \(t\)에서의 보상을 나타냅니다.

  2. 정책 최적화: PPO를 사용하여 정책을 최적화합니다. 이는 목표 정책과 이전 정책 사이의 KL Divergence을 최소화하면서 정책의 성능을 개선합니다. 수학적으로는

\[L^{CLIP}( ext) = \hat{\mathbb{E}}_t \left[ \min(r_t( ext) \hat{A}_t, \text{clip}(r_t( ext), 1-\epsilon, 1+\epsilon) \hat{A}_t) \right]\]

로 표현되며, \(r_t( ext)\)는 확률비, \(\hat{A}_t\)는 우위 추정치, \(\epsilon\)은 클리핑 파라미터입니다.


Large language models (LLMs) (Radford et al., 2018; Devlin et al., 2018; Raffel et al., 2020; Brown et al., 2020; OpenAI, 2023; Chowdhery et al., 2022; Anil et al., 2023; Thoppilan et al., 2022; Touvron et al., 2023a;b) have revolutionized the field of artificial intelligence (AI) by providing a powerful foundation for complex reasoning and problem-solving tasks. These models have the ability to compress vast knowledge into neural networks, making them incredibly versatile agents. With a chat interface, LLMs can perform tasks that were previously thought to be the exclusive domain of humans, especially those involving creativity and expertise (OpenAI, 2022; Ouyang et al., 2022; Anil et al., 2023; Google, 2023; Anthropic, 2023a;b). They can engage in natural language conversations with humans, answering questions, providing information, and even generating creative content such as stories, poems, and music. This has led to the development of a wide range of applications, from chatbots and virtual assistants to language translation and summarization tools.

LLMs are not just limited to language tasks. They can also function as a generalist agent (Reed et al., 2022; Bai et al., 2022a; Wang et al., 2023a; AutoGPT, 2023; Hong et al., 2023), collaborating with external systems, tools, and models to achieve the objectives set by humans. For example, LLMs can understand multimodal instructions (OpenAI, 2023; Bai et al., 2023; Liu et al., 2023a; Ye et al., 2023; Dai et al., 2023; Peng et al., 2023b), execute code (Chen et al., 2021; Zheng et al., 2023; Li et al., 2023d), use tools (Schick et al., 2023; LangChain, Inc., 2023; AutoGPT, 2023), and more. This opens up a whole new world of possibilities for AI applications, from autonomous vehicles and robotics to healthcare and finance. As these models continue to evolve and improve, we can expect to see even more innovative and exciting applications in the years to come. Whether it’s helping us solve complex problems, creating new forms of entertainment, or transforming the way we live and work, LLMs are poised to play a central role in shaping the future of AI.

Figure 1: Model Lineage of the Qwen Series. We have pretrained the language models, namely QWEN, on massive datasets containing trillions of tokens. We then use SFT and RLHF to align QWEN to human preference and thus we have QWEN-CHAT and specifically its improved version QWEN-CHAT-RLHF. Additionally, we also develop specialized models for coding and mathematics, such as CODE-QWEN, CODE-QWEN-CHAT, and MATH-QWEN-CHAT based on QWEN with similar techniques. Note that we previously released the multimodal LLM, QWEN-VL and QWEN-VL-CHAT (Bai et al., 2023), which are also based on our QWEN base models.

Despite their impressive capabilities, LLMs are often criticized for their lack of reproducibility, steerability, and accessibility to service providers. In this work, we are pleased to present and release the initial version of our LLM series, QWEN. QWEN is a moniker that derives from the Chinese phrase Qianwen, which translates to “thousands of prompts” and conveys the notion of embracing a wide range of inquiries. QWEN is a comprehensive language model series that encompasses distinct models with varying parameter counts. The model series include the base pretrained language models, chat models finetuned with human alignment techniques, i.e., supervised fine-tuning (SFT), reinforcement learning with human feedback (RLHF), etc., as well as specialized models in coding and math. The details are outlined below:

Model Types Pretrain Models RM Models SFT Models RLHF Models
Qwen Models Qwen-PMP Qwen-RM Qwen-Chat Qwen-Chat-RLHF
Code Models Code-Qwen Code-Qwen-Chat    
Math Models Math-Qwen-Chat      
VL Models Qwen-VL Qwen-VL-Chat    

The base language models, namely QWEN, have undergone extensive training using up to 3 trillion tokens of diverse texts and codes, encompassing a wide range of areas. These models have consistently demonstrated superior performance across a multitude of downstream tasks, even when compared to their more significantly larger counterparts.

  1. The QWEN-CHAT models have been carefully finetuned on a curated dataset relevant to task performing, chat, tool use, agent, safety, etc. The benchmark evaluation demonstrates that the SFT models can achieve superior performance. Furthermore, we have trained reward models to mimic human preference and applied them in RLHF for chat models that can produce responses preferred by humans. Through the human evaluation of a challenging test, we find that QWEN-CHAT models trained with RLHF are highly competitive, still falling behind GPT-4 on our benchmark.

  2. In addition, we present specialized models called CODE-QWEN, which includes CODEQWEN-7B and CODE-QWEN-14B, as well as their chat models, CODE-QWEN-14B-CHAT and CODE-QWEN-7B-CHAT. Specifically, CODE-QWEN has been pre-trained on extensive datasets of code and further fine-tuned to handle conversations related to code generation, debugging, and interpretation. The results of experiments conducted on benchmark datasets, such as HumanEval (Chen et al., 2021), MBPP (Austin et al., 2021), and HumanEvalPack (Muennighoff et al., 2023), demonstrate the high level of proficiency of CODE-QWEN in code understanding and generation.

  3. This research additionally introduces MATH-QWEN-CHAT specifically designed to tackle mathematical problems. Our results show that both MATH-QWEN-7B-CHAT and MATH-QWEN-14B-CHAT outperform open-sourced models in the same sizes with large margins and are approaching GPT-3.5 on math-related benchmark datasets such as GSM8K (Cobbe et al., 2021) and MATH (Hendrycks et al., 2021).

  4. Besides, we have open-sourced QWEN-VL and QWEN-VL-CHAT, which have the versatile ability to comprehend visual and language instructions. These models outperform the current open-source vision-language models across various evaluation benchmarks and support text recognition and visual grounding in both Chinese and English languages. Moreover, these models enable multi-image conversations and storytelling. Further details can be found in Bai et al. (2023).

Now, we officially open-source the 14B-parameter and 7B-parameter base pretrained models QWEN and aligned chat models QWEN-CHAT2. This release aims at providing more comprehensive and powerful LLMs at developer or application-friendly scales.

The structure of this report is as follows: Section 2 describes our approach to pretraining and results of QWEN. Section 3 covers our methodology for alignment and reports the results of both automatic evaluation and human evaluation. Additionally, this section describes details about our efforts in building chat models capable of tool use, code interpreter, and agent. In Sections 4 and 5, we delve into specialized models of coding and math and their performance. Section 6 provides an overview of relevant related work, and Section 7 concludes this paper and points out our future work.


The pretraining stage involves learning vast amount of data to acquire a comprehensive understanding of the world and its various complexities. This includes not only basic language capabilities but also advanced skills such as arithmetic, coding, and logical reasoning. In this section, we introduce the data, the model design and scaling, as well as the comprehensive evaluation results on benchmark datasets.

2.1 DATA

The size of data has proven to be a crucial factor in developing a robust large language model, as highlighted in previous research (Hoffmann et al., 2022; Touvron et al., 2023b). To create an effective pretraining dataset, it is essential to ensure that the data are diverse and cover a wide range of types, domains, and tasks. Our dataset is designed to meet these requirements and includes public web documents, encyclopedia, books, codes, etc. Additionally, our dataset is multilingual, with a significant portion of the data being in English and Chinese.

GitHub: https://github.com/QwenLM/Qwen

Figure 2: Performance of GPT-4, GPT-3.5, the previous 13B SOTA, as well as QWEN-14B. We demonstrate the results on 12 datasets covering multiple domains, including language understanding, knowledge, reasoning, etc. QWEN significantly outperforms the previous SOTA of similar model sizes, but still lag behind both GPT-3.5 and GPT-4.

To ensure the quality of our pretraining data, we have developed a comprehensive data preprocessing procedure. For public web data, we extract text from HTML and use language identification tools to determine the language. To increase the diversity of our data, we employ deduplication techniques, including exact-match deduplication after normalization and fuzzy deduplication using MinHash and LSH algorithms. To filter out low-quality data, we employ a combination of rule-based and machine-learning-based methods. Specifically, we use multiple models to score the content, including language models, text-quality scoring models, and models for identifying potentially offensive or inappropriate content. We also manually sample texts from various sources and review them to ensure their quality. To further enhance the quality of our data, we selectively up-sample data from certain sources, to ensure that our models are trained on a diverse range of high-quality content. In recent studies (Zeng et al., 2022; Aribandi et al., 2021; Raffel et al., 2020), it has been demonstrated that pretraining language models with multi-task instructions can enhance their zero-shot and few-shot performance. To further enhance the performance of our model, we have incorporated high-quality instruction data into our pretraining process. To safeguard the integrity of our benchmark assessment, we have adopted a similar approach as Brown et al. (2020) and meticulously eliminated any instruction

Figure 3: Encoding compression rates of different models. We randomly selected 1 million document corpora of each language to test and compare the encoding compression rates of different models (with XLM-R (Conneau et al., 2019), which supports 100 languages, as the base value 1, not shown in the figure). As can be seen, while ensuring the efficient decoding of Chinese, English, and code, QWEN also achieves a high compression rate for many other languages (such as th, he, ar, ko, vi, ja, tr, id, pl, ru, nl, pt, it, de, es, fr, etc.), equipping the model with strong scalability as well as high training and inference efficiency in these languages.

samples that exhibit a 13-gram overlap with any data present in the test sets utilized in our evaluation. Given the large number of downstream tasks, it is not feasible to repeat this filtering process for all tasks. Instead, we have made sure that the instruction data for the reported tasks have undergone our filtering process to ensure their accuracy and reliability. Finally, we have built a dataset of up to 3 trillion tokens.


The design of vocabulary significantly impacts the training efficiency and the downstream task performance. In this study, we utilize byte pair encoding (BPE) as our tokenization method, following GPT-3.5 and GPT-4. We start with the open-source fast BPE tokenizer, tiktoken (Jain, 2022), and select the vocabulary cl100k base as our starting point. To enhance the performance of our model on multilingual downstream tasks, particularly in Chinese, we augment the vocabulary with commonly used Chinese characters and words, as well as those in other languages. Also, following Touvron et al. (2023a;b), we have split numbers into single digits. The final vocabulary size is approximately 152K.

The performance of the QWEN tokenizer in terms of compression is depicted in Figure 3. In this comparison, we have evaluated QWEN against several other tokenizers, including XLM-R (Conneau et al., 2019), LLaMA (Touvron et al., 2023a), Baichuan (Inc., 2023a), and InternLM (InternLM Team, 2023). Our findings reveal that QWEN achieves higher compression efficiency than its competitors in most languages. This implies that the cost of serving can be significantly reduced since a smaller number of tokens from QWEN can convey more information than its competitors. Furthermore, we have conducted preliminary experiments to ensure that scaling the vocabulary size of QWEN does not negatively impact the downstream performance of the pretrained model. Despite the increase in vocabulary size, our experiments have shown that QWEN maintains its performance levels in downstream evaluation.


QWEN is designed using a modified version of the Transformer architecture. Specifically, we have adopted the recent open-source approach of training large language models, LLaMA (Touvron et al., 2023a), which is widely regarded as the top open-source LLM. Our modifications to the architecture include:

Table 1: Model sizes, architectures, and optimization hyper-parameters.

Number of Params Hidden size Heads

  1.8B 7B 14B
Layers 2048 4096 5120
Dimension 16 32 40
Heads 24 32 40
Learning Rate 3.0 × 10−4 3.0 × 10−4 3.0 × 10−4
Batch Size 4M 4M 4M
Training Tokens 2.2T 2.4T 3.0T
  • Embedding and output projection. Based on preliminary experimental findings, we have opted for the untied embedding approach instead of tying the weights of input embedding and output projection. This decision was made in order to achieve better performance with the price of memory costs.

  • Positional embedding. We have chosen RoPE (Rotary Positional Embedding) (Su et al., 2021) as our preferred option for incorporating positional information into our model. RoPE has been widely adopted and has demonstrated success in contemporary large language models, notably PaLM (Chowdhery et al., 2022; Anil et al., 2023) and LLaMA (Touvron et al., 2023a;b). In particular, we have opted to use FP32 precision for the inverse frequency matrix, rather than BF16 or FP16, in order to prioritize model performance and achieve higher accuracy.

  • Bias. For most layers, we remove biases following Chowdhery et al. (2022), but we add biases in the QKV layer of attention to enhance the extrapolation ability of the model (Su, 2023b).

  • Pre-Norm & RMSNorm. In modern Transformer models, pre-normalization is the most widely used approach, which has been shown to improve training stability compared to post-normalization. Recent research has suggested alternative methods for better training stability, which we plan to explore in future versions of our model. Additionally, we have replaced the traditional layer normalization technique described in (Ba et al., 2016) with RMSNorm (Jiang et al., 2023). This change has resulted in equivalent performance while also improving efficiency.

  • Activation function. We have selected SwiGLU (Shazeer, 2020) as our activation function, a combination of Swish (Ramachandran et al., 2017) and Gated Linear Unit (Dauphin et al., 2017). Our initial experiments have shown that activation functions based on GLU generally outperform other baseline options, such as GeLU (Hendrycks & Gimpel, 2016). As is common practice in previous research, we have reduced the dimension of the feed-forward network (FFN) from 4 times the hidden size to 83 of the hidden size.


To train QWEN, we follow the standard approach of autoregressive language modeling, as described in Radford et al. (2018). This involves training the model to predict the next token based on the context provided by the previous tokens. We train models with context lengths of 2048. To create batches of data, we shuffle and merge the documents, and then truncate them to the specified context lengths. To improve computational efficiency and reduce memory usage, we employ Flash Attention in the attention modules (Dao et al., 2022). We adopt the standard optimizer AdamW (Kingma & Ba, 2014; Loshchilov & Hutter, 2017) for pretraining optimization. We set the hyperparameters β1 = 0.9, β2 = 0.95, and ϵ = 10−8. We use a cosine learning rate schedule with a specified peak learning rate for each model size. The learning rate is decayed to a minimum learning rate of 10% of the peak learning rate. All the models are trained with BFloat16 mixed precision for training stability.


Transformer models have a significant limitation in terms of the context length for their attention mechanism. As the context length increases, the quadratic-complexity computation leads to a drastic increase in both computation and memory costs. In this work, we have implemented simple training-free techniques that are solely applied during inference to extend the context length of the model. One of the key techniques we have used is NTK-aware interpolation (bloc97, 2023).

Table 2: Overall performance on widely-used benchmarks compared to open-source base models. Our largest QWEN model with 14 billion parameters outperforms previous 13B SoTA models on all datasets.

Unlike position interpolation (PI) (Chen et al., 2023a) which scales each dimension of RoPE equally, NTK-aware interpolation adjusts the base of RoPE to prevent the loss of high-frequency information in a training-free manner. To further improve performance, we have also implemented a trivial extension called dynamic NTK-aware interpolation, which is later formally discussed in (Peng et al., 2023a). It dynamically changes the scale by chunks, avoiding severe performance degradation. These techniques allow us to effectively extend the context length of Transformer models without compromising their computational efficiency or accuracy.

QWEN additionally incorporates two attention mechanisms: LogN-Scaling (Chiang & Cholak, 2022; Su, 2023a) and window attention (Beltagy et al., 2020). LogN-Scaling rescales the dot product of the query and value by a factor that depends on the ratio of the context length to the training length, ensuring that the entropy of the attention value remains stable as the context length grows. attention window restricts the attention to a limited context window, preventing the model from attending to tokens that are too far away.

We also observed that the long-context modeling ability of our model varies across layers, with lower layers being more sensitive in context length extension compared to the higher layers. To leverage this observation, we assign different window sizes to each layer, using shorter windows for lower layers and longer windows for higher layers.


To evaluate the zero-shot and few-shot learning capabilities of our models, we conduct a thorough benchmark assessment using a series of datasets. We compare QWEN with the most recent open-source base models, including LLaMA (Touvron et al., 2023a), LLAMA 2 (Touvron et al., 2023b), MPT (Mosaic ML, 2023), Falcon (Almazrouei et al., 2023), Baichuan2 (Yang et al., 2023), ChatGLM2 (ChatGLM2 Team, 2023), InternLM (InternLM Team, 2023), XVERSE (Inc., 2023b), and StableBeluga2 (Stability AI, 2023). Our evaluation covers a total of 7 popular benchmarks, which are MMLU (5-shot) (Hendrycks et al., 2020), C-Eval (5-shot) (Huang et al., 2023), GSM8K (8-shot) (Cobbe et al., 2021), MATH (4-shot) (Hendrycks et al., 2021), HumanEval (0-shot) (Chen et al., 2021), MBPP (0-shot) (Austin et al., 2021), and BBH (Big Bench Hard) (3 shot) (Suzgun et al., 2022). We aim to provide a comprehensive summary of the overall performance of our models across these benchmarks.

Table 3: Results of QWEN on long-context inference using various techniques. Our experimental findings reveal that the application of our crucial techniques enables the model to consistently achieve low perplexity as the context length increases. This suggests that these techniques play a significant role in enhancing the model’s ability to comprehend and generate lengthy texts.

In this evaluation, we focus on the base language models without alignment and collect the baselines’ best scores from their official results and OpenCompass (OpenCompass Team, 2023). The results are presented in Table 2.

Our experimental results demonstrate that the three QWEN models exhibit exceptional performance across all downstream tasks. It is worth noting that even the larger models, such as LLaMA2-70B, are outperformed by QWEN-14B in 3 tasks. QWEN-7B also performs admirably, surpassing LLaMA2-13B and achieving comparable results to Baichuan2-13B. Notably, despite having a relatively small number of parameters, QWEN-1.8B is capable of competitive performance on certain tasks and even outperforms larger models in some instances. The findings highlight the impressive capabilities of the QWEN models, particularly QWEN-14B, and suggest that smaller models, such as QWEN-1.8B, can still achieve strong performance in certain applications.

To evaluate the effectiveness of context length extension, Table 3 presents the test results on arXiv3 in terms of perplexity (PPL). These results demonstrate that by combining NTK-aware interpolation, LogN-Scaling, and layer-wise window assignment, we can effectively maintain the performance of our models in the context of over 8192 tokens.


Pretrained large language models have been found to be not aligned with human behavior, making them unsuitable for serving as AI assistants in most cases. Recent research has shown that the use of alignment techniques, such as supervised fine-tuning (SFT) and reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF), can significantly improve the ability of language models to engage in natural conversation. In this section, we will delve into the details of how QWEN models have been trained using SFT and RLHF, and evaluate their performance in the context of chat-based assistance.


To gain an understanding of human behavior, the initial step is to carry out SFT, which finetunes a pretrained LLM on chat-style data, including both queries and responses. In the following sections, we will delve into the details of data construction and training methods.

The dataset contains academic papers from https://arxiv.org.

3.1.1 DATA

To enhance the capabilities of our supervised fine-tuning datasets, we have annotated conversations in multiple styles. While conventional datasets (Wei et al., 2022a) contain a vast amount of data prompted with questions, instructions, and answers in natural language, our approach takes it a step further by annotating human-style conversations. This practice, inspired by Ouyang et al. (2022), aims at improving the model’s helpfulness by focusing on natural language generation for diverse tasks. To ensure the model’s ability to generalize to a wide range of scenarios, we specifically excluded data formatted in prompt templates that could potentially limit its capabilities. Furthermore, we have prioritized the safety of the language model by annotating data related to safety concerns such as violence, bias, and pornography.

In addition to data quality, we have observed that the training method can significantly impact the final performance of the model. To achieve this, we utilized the ChatML-style format (OpenAI, 2022), which is a versatile meta language capable of describing both the metadata (such as roles) and the content of a turn. This format enables the model to effectively distinguish between various types of information, including system setup, user inputs, and assistant outputs, among others. By leveraging this approach, we can enhance the model’s ability to accurately process and analyze complex conversational data.


Consistent with pretraining, we also apply next-token prediction as the training task for SFT. We apply the loss masks for the system and user inputs. More details are demonstrated in Section A.1.1.

The model’s training process utilizes the AdamW optimizer, with the following hyperparameters: β1 set to 0.9, β2 set to 0.95, and ϵ set to 10−8. The sequence length is limited to 2048, and the batch size is 128. The model undergoes a total of 4000 steps, with the learning rate gradually increased over the first 1430 steps, reaching a peak of 2 × 10−6. To prevent overfitting, weight decay is applied with a value of 0.1, dropout is set to 0.1, and gradient clipping is enforced with a limit of 1.0.


While SFT has proven to be effective, we acknowledge that its generalization and creativity capabilities may be limited, and it is prone to overfitting. To address this issue, we have implemented Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) to further align SFT models with human preferences, following the approaches of Ouyang et al. (2022); Christiano et al. (2017). This process involves training a reward model and using Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) (Schulman et al., 2017) to conduct policy training.


To create a successful reward model, like building a large language model (LLM), it is crucial to first undergo pretraining and then fine-tuning. This pretraining process, also known as preference model pretraining (PMP) (Bai et al., 2022b), necessitates a vast dataset of comparison data. This dataset consists of sample pairs, each containing two distinct responses for a single query and their corresponding preferences. Similarly, fine-tuning is also conducted on this type of comparison data, but with a higher quality due to the presence of quality annotations.

During the fine-tuning phase, we gather a variety of prompts and adjust the reward model based on human feedback for responses from the QWEN models. To ensure the diversity and complexity of user prompts are properly taken into account, we have created a classification system with around 6600 detailed tags and implemented a balanced sampling algorithm that considers both diversity and complexity when selecting prompts for annotation by the reward model (Lu et al., 2023). To generate a wide range of responses, we have utilized QWEN models of different sizes and sampling strategies, as diverse responses can help reduce annotation difficulties and enhance the performance of the reward model. These responses are then evaluated by annotators following a standard annotation guideline, and comparison pairs are formed based on their scores.

In creating the reward model, we utilize the same-sized pre-trained language model QWEN to initiate the process. It is important to mention that we have incorporated a pooling layer into the original

Table 4: Test Accuracy of QWEN preference model pretraining (PMP) and reward model (RM) on diverse human preference benchmark datasets.

QWEN model to extract the reward for a sentence based on a specific end token. The learning rate for this process has been set to a constant value of 3 × 10−6, and the batch size is 64. Additionally, the sequence length is set to 2048, and the training process lasts for a single epoch.

We adopted the accuracy on the test dataset as an important but not exclusive evaluation metric for the reward model. In Table 4, we report the test pairwise accuracy of PMP and reward models on diverse human preference benchmark datasets (Bai et al., 2022b; Stiennon et al., 2020; Ethayarajh et al., 2022; Lightman et al., 2023). Specifically, QWEN Helpful-base and QWEN Helpful-online are our proprietary datasets. The responses in QWEN Helpful-base are generated from QWEN without RLHF, whereas QWEN Helpful-online includes responses from QWEN with RLHF. The results show that the PMP model demonstrates high generalization capabilities on out-of-distribution data, and the reward model demonstrates significant improvement on our QWEN reward datasets.


Our Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) process involves four models: the policy model, value model, reference model, and reward model. Before starting the PPO procedure, we pause the policy model’s updates and focus solely on updating the value model for 50 steps. This approach ensures that the value model can adapt to different reward models effectively.

During the PPO operation, we use a strategy of sampling two responses for each query simultaneously. This strategy has proven to be more effective based on our internal benchmarking evaluations. We set the KL divergence coefficient to 0.04 and normalize the reward based on the running mean. The policy and value models have learning rates of 1 × 10−6 and 5 × 10−6, respectively. To enhance training stability, we utilize value loss clipping with a clip value of 0.15. For inference, the policy top-p is set to 0.9. Our findings indicate that although the entropy is slightly lower than when top-p is set to 1.0, there is a faster increase in reward, ultimately resulting in consistently higher evaluation rewards under similar conditions.

Additionally, we have implemented a pretrained gradient to mitigate the alignment tax. Empirical findings indicate that, with this specific reward model, the KL penalty is adequately robust to counteract the alignment tax in benchmarks that are not strictly code or math in nature, such as those that test common sense knowledge and reading comprehension. It is imperative to utilize a significantly larger volume of the pretrained data in comparison to the PPO data to ensure the effectiveness of the pretrained gradient. Additionally, our empirical study suggests that an overly large value for this coefficient can considerably impede the alignment to the reward model, eventually compromising the ultimate alignment, while an overly small value would only have a marginal effect on alignment tax reduction.


To showcase the effectiveness of our aligned models, we conduct a comparison with other aligned models on well-established benchmarks, including MMLU (Hendrycks et al., 2020), C-Eval (Huang et al., 2023), GSM8K (Cobbe et al., 2021), HumanEval (Chen et al., 2021), and BBH (Suzgun et al., 2022). Besides the widely used few-shot setting, we test our aligned models in the zero-shot setting to demonstrate how well the models follow instructions. The prompt in a zero-shot setting consists of an instruction and a question without any previous examples in the context. The results of the baselines are collected from their official reports and OpenCompass (OpenCompass Team, 2023).

The results in Table 5 demonstrate the effectiveness of our aligned models in understanding human instructions and generating appropriate responses. QWEN-14B-Chat outperforms all other models except ChatGPT (OpenAI, 2022) and LLAMA 2-CHAT-70B (Touvron et al., 2023b) in all datasets, including MMLU (Hendrycks et al., 2020), C-Eval (Huang et al., 2023), GSM8K (Cobbe et al., 2021), HumanEval (Chen et al., 2021), and BBH (Suzgun et al., 2022). In particular, QWEN’s performance in HumanEval, which measures the quality of generated codes, is significantly higher than that of other open-source models.

Table 5: Performance of aligned models on widely-used benchmarks. We report both zero-shot and few-shot performance of the models.

Moreover, QWEN’s performance is consistently better than that of open-source models of similar size, such as LLaMA2 (Touvron et al., 2023b), ChatGLM2 (ChatGLM2 Team, 2023), InternLM (InternLM Team, 2023), and Baichuan2 (Yang et al., 2023). This suggests that our alignment approach, which involves fine-tuning the model on a large dataset of human conversations, has been effective in improving the model’s ability to understand and generate human-like language.

Despite this, we have reservations about the ability of traditional benchmark evaluation to accurately measure the performance and potential of chat models trained with alignment techniques in today’s landscape. The results mentioned earlier provide some evidence of our competitive standing, but we believe that it is crucial to develop new evaluation methods specifically tailored to aligned models.

We believe that human evaluation is crucial, which is why we have created a carefully curated dataset for this purpose. Our process involved collecting 300 instructions in Chinese that covered a wide range of topics, including knowledge, language understanding, creative writing, coding, and mathematics. To evaluate the performance of different models, we chose the SFT version of QWEN-CHAT-7B and the SFT and RLHF versions of QWEN-CHAT-14B, and added two strong baselines, GPT-3.5 and GPT-44, for comparison. For each instruction, we asked three annotators to rank the model responses by the overall score of helpfulness, informativeness, validity, and other relevant factors. Our dataset and evaluation methodology provides a comprehensive and rigorous assessment of the capabilities of different language models in various domains.

Figure 4 illustrates the win rates of the various models. For each model, we report the percentage of wins, ties, and losses against GPT-3.5, with the segments of each bar from bottom to top representing these statistics. The experimental results clearly demonstrate that the RLHF model outperforms the SFT models by significant margins, indicating that RLHF can encourage the model to generate responses that are more preferred by humans. In terms of overall performance, we find that the RLHF model significantly outperforms the SFT models, falling behind GPT-4. This indicates the effectiveness of RLHF for aligning to human preference. To provide a more comprehensive understanding of the models’ performance, we include a case study with examples from different models in Appendix A.2.2. Nonetheless, it remains difficult to accurately capture the gap between our models and the proprietary models. As such, a more extensive and rigorous assessment is required for the chat models.

To obtain the results from the models, we use the OpenAI APIs of GPT-3.5-turbo-0613 and GPT-4-0613.

Figure 4: Results of the human evaluation for chat models. We compare Qwen-7B (SFT), Qwen- 14B (SFT), Qwen-14B (RLHF), as well as GPT-4 against GPT-3.5. Each bar segment represents the percentage of wins, ties, and losses, from bottom to top. On average, the RLHF model outperforms the SFT model. The dataset consists of 300 Chinese instructions.


Table 6: Performance of QWEN on the in-house Chinese benchmark that evaluates its ability to use unseen tools via ReAct prompting.

The QWEN models, which are designed to be versatile, have the remarkable ability to assist with (semi-)automating daily tasks by leveraging their skills in tool-use and planning. As such, they can serve as agents or copilots to help streamline various tasks. We explore QWEN’s proficiency in the following areas:

  • Utilizing unseen tools through ReAct prompting (Yao et al., 2022) (see Table 6).
  • Using a Python code interpreter to enhance math reasoning, data analysis, and more (see Table 7 and Table 8).
  • Functioning as an agent that accesses Hugging Face’s extensive collection of multimodal models while engaging with humans (see Table 9).
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